Exploding or late bloomer


5 Years
Dec 27, 2018
Hi chicken friends! This is my first time incubating eggs. I got 19 chicken eggs. At day 18 when we began lockdown we discarded 6 that were obvious duds. Day 22 and 23 we welcomed 4 babies. Being my first time I was ok we only got 4. The end of day 24 I candelled and had a hard time deciding to remove or not because it was so hard to see in some of them. So we ended up leaving 4 in. It is now day 26 and I’m at work and my mother in law texts me the picture below. Is this a late baby or possible egg exploding. It’s so late I wouldn’t think it would be a baby. And she doesn’t know what to look for and constantly thinks she sees eggs move that don’t so she is an unreliable source and I’m dying at work to know. lol


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