Extra chicks for warmth from ideal


Mar 11, 2010
I got an order of chicks the other day from ideal poultry and it came with nine of these black chicks added for warmth. I don't think they are a barred variety because they are all black and have no white spots on their head. I was thinking they might be black australorp males because that's the only black layer I can think of that isn't uncommon. So what do you think? Any other types of black layer birds that a hatchery would likely have surpluss of?

Look at what black birds Ideal offers from their website. I haven't looked but I suspect there are several, Jersey Giant almost certainly and probably others. That could easily be a Black Australorp but I'm not betting the house on it.

You’re right, those are almost certainly males. I have received a packing peanut that was female but that’s pretty rare. I see by your signature you eat chickens. Looks like you have another nine.
Black Australorp? We received EE roosters in our first order and black sex links in our second order. The EE roosters are growing like little monsters, seriously huge compared to everyone else. We are going to try processing them this year.
Keep an eye on the top of their heads. I got some Ideal hatchery chicks last year at the feedstore which I was told were Jersey Giants. They looked like Jersey Giants until they started growing crests at about a month old and turned out to be Crevecoeurs. Most Crev. chicks have a bit of extra fuzz on their heads that indicate a crest will grow there..but mine never had much if anything indicating a crest until 4 weeks. lol! Hatchery quality crevs aren't really good for anything except to look at.
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