Extra eggs added to incubator

Aug 31, 2019
Hughes Wildlife Farm, MA
So here is my delima.. I started my 21 day incubator with 10 eggs.. No biggie. My husbend than went and purchased 10 more eggs, and added them, 7 days into the 1st batches incubation process.
So now I have one incubator with 2 differnt hatch dates.
On day 18, the incubator with stop turning the eggs and I'm supposed to increase humidity from 50% to 70%.
I can turn the 2nd batch of 10 eggs until the 1st batch hatches and is removed from incubator, but my fear is that higher humidity will cause us to loose the 2nd batch of chicks.
Has anyone ever left humidity at 50-55% on the last 3 days before hatching? Or lost eggs due to humidity being too high? I am searching for a way to save both batches.
What a freakin pickle.
I like the "off with his head"... But he didnt know any better.. He thought if he got me this incubator, when can hatch all sorts of fun chicks.. He didnt relize "there are steps".
I just don't want to "fry" the second batch if I step up the humity for the hatching of the 1st batch.
I can handle turning, thats not a big deal to take 3-5 moments of my day to turn the 2nd batch.. It's the increase in humity that scares me

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