Extremely attached to me!


Apr 8, 2017
Chehalis, WA with my chickens
So I think my 6 month old, laying Buff Orp. Elsa loves me more than the other 4 girls! Whenever I go out there, she is waiting by the gate screeching at the top of her lungs. She screeches all day standing by the gate, and she only stops when I'm in the chicken yard. When I'm in there, she literally walks in between my legs the whole time. If I put her somewhere and walk away, she screeches and runs in between my legs again. I know she is extremely healthy and happy and never gets bullied. Why is she so attached to me? This started 2 days ago. It's gotten to where I have to let her come into the "people yard" with me, then I pick her up and drop her over the fence back into the chicken yard. Has anyone had anything like this before? The screeching sounds like the "broody scream"
I have a Hen also who is a pain....Speckled Sussex named Bonnie...She is always under my feet...In my way when I clean the Coop...Always talking to me...
Try to not go out every time she calls...She is conditioning you and herself...Silly Bird....

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