Extremely Urgent...Opened live egg Update...It's a Miracle!!!!


Speaks Silkie Fluently
16 Years
Apr 1, 2007
N. Carolina
My broody left her 2 eggs early so I candled them. They are 20 days old. I peeled a hold dime sized and it's ALIVE. WHAT TO DO!!!!!!!!11111
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depends on what you can do. you could put them in an incubator. and see what happens. or you could help them out of the shell and see what happens. maybe try to give them to momma. or you could let nature take it's course.
If you don't have an incubator I would fix up a small box with a lid and a light, a warm towel, a thermometer and hydgrometer, put the eggs in there and hope for the best. Good luck.
incubation for a chicken is 19 to 21 days. 19 is usually under a hen and 21 is usually in a bator, can go till 22. if you have a brooder set up your heat lamp and see what happens of help the little fellows out. i have a feeling you don't want to let the die. but if they get cold they will. if momma won't take them you are going to have to keep them in a brooder anyway. they should be mature enough to survive outside the egg. i'm not a vet so i take no responsibility for everything not working out OK. but left alone they will die so any action is better than no action.
Thanks for the advice. Broody got back on egg but first I moistened with warm damp cloth and applied wax over the large whole. I don't have much hope for this one.
When I candled it looked strange, only half was dark so I figured it was a quitter at about 12 days. Well I was wrong, it was alive at 20 today. I doubt he'll make it. Live and learn.
I left the egg under the broody with the wax over the hole. Next day I checked and it was still alive!! I knew I had nothing to lose so I used tweezers to remove the shell and 2 layers of membrane. I placed it back under the broody. It's walking, eating, and drinking normally!!
The little Miracle is on the left. Now I need a name!!


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