Eye injury


In the Brooder
May 22, 2024
In early April, I neglected to close up the coop one evening and a raccoon killed one hen and severely injured another. Her eyelid is closed w a tiny slit. No signs of infection, and she is otherwise healthy. I've kept her penned separately as the other hens were picking on her. She laid her first egg today since the attack . She really wants to join the flock, but first, I need to know about that eye. I put Vit E oil on the lid. I can't think of any reason that the eyeball needs to be removed. She's not in pain, no infection , no swelling, drainage, etc.
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Can you post photos of the eye?

Did you flush/clean the eye with saline after the injury and apply any ointment in the eye?
No because she was a mess and really frazzled. Also not easy to catch in the first place, but I managed to put Silvadeen cream on the wounds at night once I could reach her. Her whole head swelled up, and it looked like she wasn't going to make it. But I isolated her, and made sure she had water and food, like cooked egg, yogurt. Once she was eating , drinking, I checked her for infections, used Vetericyn . Her head healed, swelling went down. Energy went up. Vitamin E oil on closed eye lid, and gently tried to open lids. Not much luck. I keep treating w vit e oil every night for last week. She's very perky now but blind on that side w closed eye... not sure if permanently gone. It's not bulging as if there is an eyeball in there... it was bad ...
No because she was a mess and really frazzled. Also not easy to catch in the first place, but I managed to put Silvadeen cream on the wounds at night once I could reach her. Her whole head swelled up, and it looked like she wasn't going to make it. But I isolated her, and made sure she had water and food, like cooked egg, yogurt. Once she was eating , drinking, I checked her for infections, used Vetericyn . Her head healed, swelling went down. Energy went up. Vitamin E oil on closed eye lid, and gently tried to open lids. Not much luck. I keep treating w vit e oil every night for last week. She's very perky now but blind on that side w closed eye... not sure if permanently gone. It's not bulging as if there is an eyeball in there... it was bad ...
But someone said her eyeball should be removed (without seeing her) .. and I disagree. It's not infected, it's not cancer, there's no obvious pain.


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No because she was a mess and really frazzled. Also not easy to catch in the first place, but I managed to put Silvadeen cream on the wounds at night once I could reach her. Her whole head swelled up, and it looked like she wasn't going to make it. But I isolated her, and made sure she had water and food, like cooked egg, yogurt. Once she was eating , drinking, I checked her for infections, used Vetericyn . Her head healed, swelling went down. Energy went up. Vitamin E oil on closed eye lid, and gently tried to open lids. Not much luck. I keep treating w vit e oil every night for last week. She's very perky now but blind on that side w closed eye... not sure if permanently gone. It's not bulging as if there is an eyeball in there... it was bad ...
Hard to see. If you can get someone to hold her and get closer, clearer photos that may help.

Anytime there's injury, a bird may be stressed. While it may be hard to immediately catch them, waiting until nighttime to get a hold of them is a good idea (like you did).

For head wounds or anything involving the eyes, saline is a very good cleanser and can be used to flush out wounds and eyes, the bird won't like it very much, but a good flushing doesn't take very long and it's over. Once cleaned, Terramycin eye ointment in the eye and surrounding tissue or you can use Original Neosporin. Keeping ointment in the eye and cleaning it daily with saline will help keep the eye open so you can access it along the way. Often what may seem like a lost eye is just injury, eyes heal very well a lot of the time, you just have to look at it.

Since she's keeping it closed, you may need to apply warm saline compresses and start working on getting it open so you can get a good look. Once opened, use saline to flush/clean the eye, then apply your eye ointment.
It's pretty firmly closed. Can it become sealed like that? I've worked on it and can't seem to tease it open. I'll keep trying tomorrow . Thank you.

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