Eye is Missing no clue as to why


10 Years
Dec 26, 2009
Willow Alaska
My 1 year old Silver Crested Polish's eye is gone. Yesterday he was hiding in a corner, I thought he was terrorizing the newest chicks in the yard, he wasn't. I saw his eye was caked closed. I cleaned it with betadine, put antibiotic eye ointment in, and gave him 1/2 cc Tylan injectable. Did the same this morning, and could tell the eye is gone. I got all of the stuff out of there. There's no damage around the eye. I do have him separated with his "wife" my Silver Crested hen. He's been pretty active, just went out and he was in the coop by himself, in the straw, not roosting.
Has anyone had this happen, guesses on the cause??? Am I doing the right things, any suggestions?

If he perks up he will be fine with one eye. I have one gorgeous Blue Orp roo that is almost totally blind. He still crows, does his rooster dance when he hears my voice and eats/drinks just fine. I have a few roos with one eye, couldn't even tell. I hope he perks up for you soon.
He's out walking around like nothing's wrong. I'll just keep doind what I'm doing and hope for the best. It's so hard to look ar it without holding him, he keeps his good eye on me
I have an Abyssinian cat (Maha Mudita) who is 14 now. She was born without eyes, well they stopped growing in utero. She can do just about anything a sighted cat can do in the house. We don't let her out because of not being able to see cars or any other thing that befalls cats outdoors. She has lived a long full life so far, from VA to AK and down to MT!
He can learn to work around it I'm sure. But HOW it happened is puzzling. A peck to the eye?

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