Eye Problem


In the Brooder
11 Years
Nov 27, 2008
Cabot, Arkansas
I currently have four chickens that we just got a couple of months ago. I have recently noticed that one of them seems to keep one eye closed most of the time and it does seem a little hazy. Does anyone know what this might be, what I can do about it and if I need to get her away from the rest of the chickens? Thanks for any help you can give me.

As long as the other chicks/chickens arent picking on her I would see no reason to move her, If the others are being mean to her and picking on her eye I WOULD move her. Chickens can be mean to others that have problems, they sometimes will even cull birds in the flock (to keep it strong). Knowing her age would help !!? Does she lay ? Does she eat ok ?? Any other signs of being "sick"? Do you think she is bind in that eye ? Any crude in it to make her want to keep it closed ??
I have yet to see any pecking at each other, they all seem to get along really well and are always together no matter where one is the others are always right behind. I think she is about 15 weeks old, eats really well (never misses her opportunity at something to eat), always runs out of the coop in the morning for her meal. Has not given me any reason to believe that she is sick and the only thing with the eye is it seems to be watering a little. I checked her out this morning and it is open more this morning than I have noticed in the past week. She is not laying yet but am ready to see her start. Thanks for your help.
I have had chickens in the past and now, would never have thought a thing about it until recently after finding this article regarding many health problems. I hope this is just a normal eye thing, hay/shavings/food whatever in it. I would make a strong tea, let it cool and us it as a eye wash. The tannic(?) acid in the tea is a antibacterial and helps with all of us when we get "cold" in the eyes or allergy season.
Here is the article that someone else on BYC put up and has proven to be super interesting!

oh yeah!
I would keep and eye on it to see if it gets worse. But doesnt sound like anything major !!

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