eyes shut and not eating

We have been tube feeding her water with electrolytes and yogurt. She is however failing. I don't think she will make it through the night. She did open one eye, but is no longer fighting us when we tube feed. She is a county fair grand champion of the show. I really hate to loose her.
She has not been getting any food,yogurt and electrolytes will not feed her body. Her body is shutting down. For tube feeding you can purchase Kaytee exact baby parrot feed or in an emergency you can use baby food(meat/veg/)pablum,etc. Or try and grind up her feed(i have done this in an emergency and added pablum/canned cat food and aspirin as i had no idea if it was pain related,aspirin helps with swelling). You have to get food into her before you can figure out the issue.

It is possible that she has a serious issue such as ovarian cancer,peritonitis,the list is long,but it also possible that the original issue was not so serious and she is now dying of starvation. Is her poop green or is there no poop at all?
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