EZ Plucker Question


12 Years
Jan 24, 2011
Bristol, VT
My Coop
My Coop
So my husband finally gave me the go ahead to order an EZ Plucker in May. I think I have decided I want to order the EZ 98 which says it can do 1-2 chickens and small turkeys since we do turkeys as well. I wanted to ask though if anyone has this model and if so what size turkeys were you able to fit in it. I have processed myself for the last few years but always done the plucking by hand or with a small drill plucker which is hard to use with turkeys since they weigh so much.

If you didn't use this one what model did you get?

Okay I ended up getting someone live on the phone and they are very helpful. I ended up ordering the EZ-131 since they were on sale this week if you preorder. It says it can do 1-4 chickens or small turkey and when I asked about that they said that meant a turkey between 10 and 18 pounds. Hopefully I can keep them that small otherwise I will hand pluck them. Going to order the larger cones as well but will wait until next paycheck to do that then I will be ready to go this season and no more hand plucking. Woot. Never been so excited to actually get my meat birds grown out lol.

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