F&Q for mix breeding.


5 Years
May 21, 2019
Washington State, aka The pacific NorthWest
I would like to breed my Belgian D' Anver rooster with a white Bantam cochin pullet someday, and I would like some advice!
Question 1: when can I breed the pullet, I have two and one or both of them are laying?
Question 2: My rooster is no spring chick, and is at least over 4, how will I know if he is able to breed?

These are some simple questions that I would like answers to if anybody has the time, and your replies are very appreciated!

The D' Anver on the right, and Cochin bantam on the left!
Most of my current roos are over 5 (man I gotta start planning replacements :/ )) and still get the job done consistantly.

Some people say not to use pullet eggs since they will result in smaller chicks. But as soon as they start laying you can start hatching
Standards can hatch bantam eggs no problem. If you want lighter breeds that go broody, I suggest standard phoenixes (usually less than 4 pounds) or bantam cochins
Okay, thanks!
We have been getting a lot of broodies, and hatching a lot of eggs, but we mainly get white and red chicks, is it because we have a red mixed rooster in there?
Wow, they sound beautiful, have you bred a mix like that?
Or similar breeds?
Not that mix. I have both those breeds, but just females and different colors than yours.

These are mixes with similar traits though. First one is a bantam cochinXstandard Amerucana. He got partially feathered feet from the Cochin and muffs from the Amerucana.

The others are his offspring bred to clean legged hens. All kept clean legs from mama and muffs from him (The silvery one is from him and his mama, so it got really nice fuzzy feet)




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