Facebook video contest - WE WON!

Loved the video, and of course voted.
Many thanks for providing this sight, and all the folks that put it together, and keep it together.
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I thought we 100% had it in the bag until the competition shot by us with 800 votes! She had gone 2 months and only had votes trickling in to a total of about 288, then we blew past her and got to 750. A few days later she came screaming past us and we were way behind. That's when we pulled out the big guns (BYC Newsletter).

If she would have beat us at that point, she totally deserved to win.

Fortunately everyone pulled together and we killed it!
Nifty, I hate to be the poo poo but with the numbers she had, wouldn't you think she could have forge or tamper with the votes? Why in all in a matter of days, she got the numbers out? Other than that, if Facebook does not tolerate fraud votes, then I "high-five" everyone!
Ya, I was joking with Terrie and said that if the other contestant won she either deserved it or cheated!

Since it was on FB and based on unique fb accounts, I'm inclined to think it would be a very hard system to cheat. She probably just worked really hard and found a huge network of peeps that got behind her to help her cause... kinda like we did.

When I meet her on Thursday it will be the first question I ask!

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