Facial Swelling


In the Brooder
6 Years
Jun 20, 2013
Hey everyone! I wrote a whole intro then for some reason my pics wouldn't load and the page re loaded! So anyways I'm new to posting but have been lurking and learning so much over the past months from you all! We got our first chickens this April, 8 of them. We have since lost one so we are down to 7. Tonight we noticed one of the Barred Rocks has this crazy growth, abscess like thing on its face. After taking pics and chatting with some chicken peeps I'm friends with the consensus was to try and drain. Didn't get much, a little fluid and then some blood. Inside of her mouth looks fine. No one could give me a great idea of a plan of action other than posting here as you all know it all. I have searched a bit online and here and mainly came up with the respiratory infection or abscess from a wound. I'm leaning towards abscess as it seems low to be a sinus thing. BUT was hoping you all could shed some light, experience and thoughts for treating. Hope the pictures upload ok!



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It's good if it's only one. I guess I would put her on some antibiotics, like maybe penicillin . If you lance it, what's in it? Maybe take her to a vet?
Tried to drain it and got nothing other than some blood. Dug around with hemostats and found nothing in there. Flushed it out good and put some Vetrecyn on it. Keeping her in a dog crate separate from the others for now. Still eating and drinking.

Everyone, including farmers and people with lots of chicken experience are stumped. I found one post in all my searching that looked similar and sounded similar when opened, unfortunately it was a tumor. :(

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