Fairly large quantity needed


In the Brooder
10 Years
Feb 13, 2009
Oxford, Ga.

My 6th grade students will be finishing the year out with an 'eggs-periment'. We will use one 'factory made' incubator and one 'home made' incubator to see which has the best results. The unit will actually be previewing life science for next year, so our experiment will include lessons on cells, embryology, miosis, mitosis, etc. etc. while we await the hatch. I don't really care what kind of fertilized eggs we get, I just need them to be really cheap...or, better yet, free
(if you are in middle-north Georgia, I will come pick them up if possible). The Hovabator will hold 40 and the incubator we are building will hold about the same, so I will be in need of about 80 fertilized eggs. They can come from multiple places and be any mix of breeds you have. I am hoping the students will take all of the chicks home and start their own flocks. Being a realist, I know I may be 'blessed' with adding the orphans to my own flock...so, if anyone has white, black, blue, or splash silkies, I would like to get a few of those eggs also, just in case a few of the chicks do not get adopted and I have to keep them. If anyone else has done this with one of their classes and has advice, I will be glad to take it. We will start the unit, and I will need the eggs Monday April 20th. Thanks!
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I am in Newnan Georgia . Don't know where you are at but I have Rhode Island Red Eggs and some barnyard mixed eggs. I could help you out with . Send me a pm . Always glad to help schools !! I have one in 2nd grade myself. Thanks Livia
Thank you to everyone who has responded either via post or PM. I will be contacting a few of you via PM soon. Thanks again!

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