Fake eggs?


15 Years
Apr 14, 2007
Portland TN
I've read posts where people are trying fake eggs in the laying boxes... just where do you get these fake eggs? What are they made of? I've never had to use fake eggs in all the years I've had chickies. I was just curious about them.
Personally, I'm using golf balls.

You can try the plastic eggs that they sell around Easter time (put some sand in them to give them some weight).

Or, you can find wooden eggs, which I'm guessing is the more expensive option.
Try some craft stores.We have a one called Hobby Lobby.I bought some paper mache eggs 3 for a dollar.They also had wooden & porcilein (sp?) eggs,cost more.
I think McMurray sells some but they want $$$.
I just use egg shaped rocks
I purchased wooden eggs online from cutler's poultry supply. The website is www.cutlersupply.com
Their blu-kote is one third the price of Mcmurrays and the wooden eggs were only 90 cents a piece. Shipping was reasonable and i didnt have to go out and hunt down the things I wanted. They had it all. Check it out.

I havent had a chance to use them because my hens went broody on me so I am waiting to use them.
Chalk eggs, old light bulbs, door knobs, golf balls, chickens are not all that bright. My dad used to whittle wooden eggs in his spare time.


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