How are all your ducks and duck lingers doing?
They are all doing fine for now (no raging hormones yet…). The Ducknagers have fully integrated into the flock, no biting or pushing anymore and the young duck demonstrated her loud grown up QUACK this morning.
There is, however, one thing that baffles me: Have you ever had a drake eating from the Calcium supply daily? Pomponell, the crested drake, regularly eats from the crushed oyster-shells. And he is neither quacking nor rasping, in fact he says absolutely nothing.
I have had a few nibble in it even my gander has but not eat it daily. We all know these lil crested aren’t right ( just kidding)maybe that’s it or maybe he needs some calcium. Probably won’t hurt him unless he is only eating it and not his feed.
I am a bit suspicious the he might be a she that has not yet learned how to quack.
And yes, crested ducks are a bit loco, the more crest the more loco.

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