He would miss his flock terribly! He loves to cuddle with Blanca and Curiosity Duck during the day and he is still the boss in the duck-house.

Let him visit them. Or talk to a vet about feeding him treats with ground up pain relievers in them (Advil/Acetaminophen/etc). He's clearly in pain. Try to make it so he doesn't hurt as much is my thing.
Let him visit them. Or talk to a vet about feeding him treats with ground up pain relievers in them (Advil/Acetaminophen/etc). He's clearly in pain. Try to make it so he doesn't hurt as much is my thing.
First i don't like to put him on permanent pain-killers. Those are as bad for animals as they are for humons. Trust me, i know what i'm talking about! Long term use of especially acetaminophen will damage the liver, however small the dosage is. Aspirin will cause ulcers and changes the composition of the blood in undesirable ways… Don't know about ibuprofene and naproxene - yet.
But here comes the real problem: Limpy is a really polite drake who always shares treats with the ladies. He was bobbing in the duck-pool and i threw some meal-worms in, just for him. Immediately he started calling in the girls and ate just two or three worms and left the rest for the ducks. I would have to grab him every day and push a pill down his throat and i really, really don't want to do this to him.
I have a Muscovy female with arthritis she going to be 13 in a few months. I tried the route of baby aspirin,liquid aspirin, glucosamine, liquid b complex etc. did one of these every day for close to 2 months, nothing helped her limp and all I managed to do was make her afraid of me. I finally just let her be. She gets around eats good and is social with her flock so I assume she’s happy.
First i don't like to put him on permanent pain-killers. Those are as bad for animals as they are for humons. Trust me, i know what i'm talking about! Long term use of especially acetaminophen will damage the liver, however small the dosage is. Aspirin will cause ulcers and changes the composition of the blood in undesirable ways… Don't know about ibuprofene and naproxene - yet.
But here comes the real problem: Limpy is a really polite drake who always shares treats with the ladies. He was bobbing in the duck-pool and i threw some meal-worms in, just for him. Immediately he started calling in the girls and ate just two or three worms and left the rest for the ducks. I would have to grab him every day and push a pill down his throat and i really, really don't want to do this to him.

Okay. I guess my take is still "talk to a vet" even online. That said, if he's not in severe pain and his quality of life is pretty good, you should probably leave him be. But if it's something you can fix/treat before it turns into something worse, it'd be a good thing to find that out.
Okay. I guess my take is still "talk to a vet" even online. That said, if he's not in severe pain and his quality of life is pretty good, you should probably leave him be. But if it's something you can fix/treat before it turns into something worse, it'd be a good thing to find that out.
Is that what you do with your flock?
I have a Muscovy female with arthritis she going to be 13 in a few months. I tried the route of baby aspirin,liquid aspirin, glucosamine, liquid b complex etc. did one of these every day for close to 2 months, nothing helped her limp and all I managed to do was make her afraid of me. I finally just let her be. She gets around eats good and is social with her flock so I assume she’s happy.
Probably the very same would happen to Limpy! I remember him trying to hide his bill under the wings so we couldn't give him another pill. That was sad and sweet at the same time. He enjoyed staying in the pool today, it'll be unseasonal warm until next weekend. - Not that i complain about that!
The two latest pictures of the ex-Ducknagers, they are now fully integrated into the flock:

Is that what you do with your flock?

I don't actually have a flock or even a single duck. Figure I wouldn't have a flock, but with a duck or two as pets, I would probably do that.

At the same time I understand expenses/time/etc. The person in the Handicap Pekin thread is about to drop $632 to give her duck a new prosthetic leg. @WannaBeHillBilly has something like 20+ ducks, so I get that he can't afford to spend, what, over $13,000 if they all had that same problem.

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