I don't actually have a flock or even a single duck. Figure I wouldn't have a flock, but with a duck or two as pets, I would probably do that.

At the same time I understand expenses/time/etc. The person in the Handicap Pekin thread is about to drop $632 to give her duck a new prosthetic leg. @WannaBeHillBilly has something like 20+ ducks, so I get that he can't afford to spend, what, over $13,000 if they all had that same problem.
Twentynine ducks to be exact. And yes, i'm willing to cough out $100 for a vet if there is a sick duck that i'm unable to treat myself, but that's it. There is also a point where you need to let go, as sad as that might be…
Well she is contributing to your insanity by buying you all the cool duck attire and mugs. :) Your babies are all grown up it looks like.:love
The four girls from Katharina's offspring in August have started to lay cute tiny little green and white eggs, so we have one dozen window busters and four pee-wee's every day. If they all lay this season we will have 20 eggs per day…
How do the "ducknagers" react to you now? Are they still frightened? Especially the one you mentioned? Or have they finally settled down and recognized that you aren't going to eat them alive any time soon?
They keep their distance, but they are no longer too afraid to run out of the house in the morning while i am securing the door. - Or let's put it that way they are more frightened of Katharina Duck who shoves them out of the door if they don't hurry up… :lau
But no panic-attacks anymore and the little girl quacks back when i quack at her. :ya
I don't actually have a flock or even a single duck. Figure I wouldn't have a flock, but with a duck or two as pets, I would probably do that.

At the same time I understand expenses/time/etc. The person in the Handicap Pekin thread is about to drop $632 to give her duck a new prosthetic leg. @WannaBeHillBilly has something like 20+ ducks, so I get that he can't afford to spend, what, over $13,000 if they all had that same problem.

the hobby is going to cost what you decide to spend, it costs me 40$ a month for the ducks, quails and a chiclen, and my first coop was 75$. if i had someones credit card i could spend 10000$ in a weekend on duck stuff alone but itd all be unecessary

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