fall granny square swap???

Sebcoat-Thank you for offering to host.

Any color scheme (or none) is ok; it's up to you. Pre-chosen colors (specific yarns) are one way or a scheme (we did cool colors-greens, blues, purples last time, adding a bit of white, too.) There are advantages both ways. If you're taking requests, I'd request any colors, but with the outside round all being the same,maybe black or shades of grey.

I'd like to participate as a donor only, not receiving. It works better for me personally if the yarns aren't pre-chosen. We're doing that on the current swap and getting beautiful squares, but for those of us who have more yarn than money, it's nice to be able to use what we have.
I'm at work today still and have limited use of the computer, I'll make an official post Sunday, but until then any ideas on dates. I think we all agreed on the colors any fall color, but a chocolate brown outer edge, for size I was thinking a 12 inch for sure does anyone want to add any additional sizes???? Just brainstorm your ideas today and tomorrow we'll make it official.
Count me in please. I'm ok with whatever colors/sizes everyone else wants. Just let me know and I'll get started.

Diana said to add her name, too, but as donor only (not receiving), please.

Now I really need to finish the course I'm doing for work so I can crochet without feeling guilty!

I'd do it, it sounds like a ton of fun :) I am totally bummed I didnt get in on the summer one....

You and me both. Why can't a pm be sent to everyone who participated in the last one. NOW please let me know when to get started. I have no problem with colors or yarn. New is fine by me. I do like Vanna's Choice, so if I have to buy new that's fine. But any brand worsted weight is fine with me.

I always have a multi colored , multi yarn, granny square going.
Count me in! I think the fall colors sound great with no specific colors or brands and the border round being dark brown that everyone uses will be awesome! Cant wait til its official!

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