Fall Quilt Block Swap due October 15th

@Pharmgirl sorry to hear about your son, wow hope he heals fast.

I hate triangles too !!! and the bumps and the matching can't believe I signed up for 2 sets
I am almost done with them, had to get more blue and will post a pic soon so you will have 2 different color blocks from me. They are not so bad if you sew and cut on the diagonal and just make sure you are spot on with your measurements and sewing. Some have gone to the what to do with you pile, oh well practice makes perfect I keep telling myself. Will be glad to be able to start on the next swap. This is not one to leave for the last minute that's for sure.

@Majack love your block very pretty. Hope you get hot water fast I hear ya what a way to start the day yeck. but least you have your meeting to brighten you day. Glad you made it home safely from your trip.

Glad we are all still hanging in there, I think this will be another wonderful quilt.
@elsiebb love the chicken coup, beautiful, I'm jealous my chicken club house as my husband calls it is livable well I have never built anything before so it is interesting, but the girls have lots of room and I still have things to do to it, but the girls go into it every night.

Here is my block- I think everyone can tell that I love BRIGHT colors!! It took 3 times to get the flash right so the yellow didn't look highlighter green.
I love all the blocks, very pretty. Very pretty cat too, looks like one of mine I have had in the past, he looks like he was woken up for the picture
Finished! Have passed them over to Mary so both lots will soon be on way!


The second picture is of my daughters cat that is meant to live in the yard! His name is Bogof!

I love the idea of two different blues in the same block! I hadn't thought of that.
I have a tool called Fons & Portor half and quarter Ruler. I only took me one hour to do 4 of the center squares and I only need to cut the strips two inches. Does anyone else use this tool?
Oct 15th seemed so far away in June! I still have just the first two blocks done, 14 to go. I've spent the summer building a new chicken coop instead of sewing... thought I'd have the coop done by the end of August, but alas, still not done. Tonight I painted the coop doors, then spent an hour in the sewing room. I now have 4 more blocks cut out. Here's a picture of what's been occupying me.

That is a really nice coop. Want to make on for me? lol
I have a tool called Fons & Portor half and quarter Ruler. I only took me one hour to do 4 of the center squares and I only need to cut the strips two inches. Does anyone else use this tool?

I don't have on of those, my only triangle ruler is a 60 degree on for my kalideoscope blocks.

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