Fall Quilt Block Swap due October 15th

I have just 6 sets to come in then the sorting will commence!!!
Oh in all the October furry, I forgot to tell you ladies, I have 17 eggs due to start hatching tomorrow friday
hatch watch will start soon !!!!

Oh and I have to be busy tomorrow
maybe I can get up before the chickens and get my stuff done
Lol, wonderful idea! Your hatch day is the same day (fingers crossed) that my ordered chicks are due at the post office:) I'm glad they are due tomorrow because our temps are supposed to be dropping next week. Hatched plenty before but never ordered- anxiety is through the roof on hoping they will all be alive on arrival. Are we nuts for getting/hatching chicks during fall and winter? Nope, not one bit:)
BTW-I asked DH to help me move a bantam coop to a more protected area for the coming chicks to be warmer with our winter weather. He suggested boxing in the part of our porch with an electrical outlet for a small shed so I could brood chicks without worry and for firewood instead! I told him although I appreciate the thought, it would be ugly and moving the bantam coop a few hundred feet is easier. (Saying something will be done and actually doing it in time play a factor in that reply) Then dh reminded me "How am I gonna plug up my truck when it's cold?" We came to a silent agreement when it was between 4 silkie chicks and lights in the garage, now this!
Ladies I'm sorry I have 3 more to get done and then I get back today from work that will be all I work on. It should only take me about an hour. I cut all my pieces at once and found out I only cut them 3 inches instead of 31/2. That is all corrected and I work on them last night until I fell asleep at my sewing machine. So many things have come up it seems like last week I was asking if they needed to be done by September 15. I should have had them done for that date. I promise I will work on getting them done and with Gods help I will get them out today. Again I'm so sorry.
I'm done I need to help dh then I'm going to see if the PO is open, if not they will go out Monday. I'll post pics later I'm running late to help him.

They are on their way as the PO was not opened on Saturday here. I forgot to take pics. lol OH well at least they are on the way and it said they should be there by Wednesday.

Am I the last one your waiting on?
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Hello ladies,

I am still waiting on some blocks and no your not the last one ginbart don't worry, but I have the English blocks arrived safely and I have CathieSue's blocks and a set from zip code 97333

@97333, I need you to let me know who you are.

lots of nice looking chicks and here is my new crew, 15 of the 17 hatched guess pics will have to come another day it just wouldn't finish loading.

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