I am sure this has been posted before and if so I am sorry for a double post here. I hope this is in the correct section but if not, mods please move to the right area of the site..
I was just curious as to how many are going through with a Deployment right now??..??..
I know I have posted on this before, but just kinda curious now..
Jason was deployed last time for 18+ months. This deployment is 14+ months. I know there is a topic on care packages and stuff, but I was more curious as to what "you" do while your loved one is Deployed....
I am very very active in our FRG(family readiness group). I am actually one of the MAIN contacts for that..It helps so much to beable to help another family member going through this..I guess I might be weird, but it helps me deal with it, knowing I am helping someone else FIRST....
of course there are our girls, and all the animals, but those are small potatoes, based on daily life dealing with a loved one being deployed...
I don't really know where I am going with this whole topic, just asking a question I guess....If no responses, I am ok with that....
Not having a down day, just a down moment I guess...
I was just curious as to how many are going through with a Deployment right now??..??..
I know I have posted on this before, but just kinda curious now..
Jason was deployed last time for 18+ months. This deployment is 14+ months. I know there is a topic on care packages and stuff, but I was more curious as to what "you" do while your loved one is Deployed....
I am very very active in our FRG(family readiness group). I am actually one of the MAIN contacts for that..It helps so much to beable to help another family member going through this..I guess I might be weird, but it helps me deal with it, knowing I am helping someone else FIRST....
of course there are our girls, and all the animals, but those are small potatoes, based on daily life dealing with a loved one being deployed...
I don't really know where I am going with this whole topic, just asking a question I guess....If no responses, I am ok with that....
Not having a down day, just a down moment I guess...