Fancy Guppie Breeding!

Guess what! Got our first two baby balloon belly mollies!!!!!! They are SO tiny!
Aw, cute! They breed fast, woah!
gunna miss my babies!
Aw, its okay. I had to give my goldfish to a friend yesterday, because they were too big. I really miss them. Goldy, my two year old, I rescued in 6th grade from being fed to turtles. I trained her to eat out of my hand. Periwinkle (her "Boyfriend") I rescued from the same place about 6 months ago. But know I know that they are happy, they now live in a 100 gallon pond with plenty of goldfish friends! I even get to visit them! I am downsizing my tank too, to a five gallon for my two betta's, Gill and Marlin.
Ahhhhh!!!!!! We go back to the old house to find one of the tanks LEAKING!!!!!
OMGosh! threw the frog and fish in a tiny one for the night and then went to Walmart (at 10pm...
) and got 2 new 10 gals! So excited, more tanks, more fish!!!!! YAY!
Yesterday we go back to our old house to find feathers ALL OVER. No blood, but feathers, and two missing chickens. :( Later we came back and they were by the coop. A stupid dog almost bit my Mitzi's tail off! It looked so bad, we cleaned it with hydrogen peroxide, and covered it. then later we cleaned it with iodine, like the vet said, then covered it again with gauze and baby pants.
Got the fish over, and only lost 1 in the move. "Pearl" RIP. Going to Petsmart to get a loach to eat the snails tomorrow. Dang, those things are expensive! $10 a piece!
Good luck! Any pictures of the parents?
I was never too successful raising fancy guppies. I have better luck with platies and swordtails.
I just saw this and luaghed a bit. I remember when I was a little kid and my dad bought me a bunch of fancy guppies and put them in a 50 gallon tank. next month we had a thousand or so baby guppies. =P what I remember the most was when my dad had to clean the tank and kept sucking up the baby fish by accident (that suction house thing used to clean tanks) feeling bad and the hours after of trying to catch them all with a net.

Apperently we had the right conditions for breeding hahaha
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