Farm chatter



♥♥Lover of Leghorns♥♥
May 21, 2020
I have recently taken up volunteering on a farm, and many of you seem to be interested in how it's going. Here's a spot for me to talk about what's going on without interrupting other threads. I'd also LOVE to hear about any of your farms, hobby or commercial, or any work you're doing on a farm or homestead. Tagging some people I was chatting with before, and others who might like to join the fun: @JadeFarms @Sally PB @eggsandhens @SBFChickenGirl @MysteryChicken @OneHappyRooster @CHlCKEN @Overo Mare @LothalRebel @RoostersAreAwesome @TheOddOneOut
I'm sorry if I missed anyone in the tags, anyone is welcome to join in!
Rules of the thread:
-you're never derailing the conversation, talk about whatever as long as it at least sort of relates to farms
-I always want to see pictures, so post them! no need to ask.
-all cows posted are fair game if people want to put hats on them -have fun!

Official Farm Chatter Mascot of the Month (FCMOTM):
Mini, @HappyDuckie 's gorgeous OEGB boy.

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This is Coco. We think she's a golden cuckoo marans. She's very sweet and loves cuddles. She's having a rough time integrating with the rest of the flock, so I've befriended her. She stayed in my arms for a good 5 minutes after this pic was taken, then started wiggling to get down. I set her on my lap and she hopped right on my arm :lol: I get to see her again on Wednesday.
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This is Coco. We think she's a golden cuckoo marans. She's very sweet and loves cuddles. She's having a rough time integrating with the rest of the flock, so I've befriended her. She stayed in my arms for a good 5 minutes after this pic was taken, then started wiggling to get down. I set her on my lap and she hopped right on my arm :lol: I get to see her again on Wednesday.
Aw, she's adorable! She loves you. :love
I want to work at a farm. Do they have any horses??? Lol
Aw, she's adorable! She loves you. :love
I want to work at a farm. Do they have any horses??? Lol
Nope, no horses. I love to ride, but where I am, you can either pay a heck ton of money and ride to compete in high end shows and reach a high, professional level, or you can just not ride. I ride in the summer at my camp, though. At the farm, they have chickens, peacocks, and sheep.
I guess I would call my home a homestead-in-progress. We have 25 acres for two people, one dog, and four chickens. We got "pandemic chickens," like thousands of other people, but it was always a plan to get them when I retired. Covid retired me, so now I have chickens. :)

I'm big into gardening, and am loving the poop! I had the best compost ever this year. Even I thought it looked tasty. (No, not really.) We had the best potato, onion and tomato harvest, though the 'maters still were not enough for canning. I have lots of plans already for next year.

My chickens are not lap chickens, and I wish I had handled them more as chicks. I thought hand feeding them would be enough, but maybe not for Black Australorps. They will eat treats from my hand, will get on my lap for treats, but are not cuddlers. So no petting, no cuddles.

Pet Coco for me, if you think of it, please? She is beautiful.
At the farm where I'm volunteering, there are 21 chickens- four old ones, 10 red sex links that are around a year and a half, and 7 younger chickens that they got four weeks ago. These chickens came because the people that owned them are moving and can't keep them. These include a buff brahma, GL wyandotte, BSL, and Coco, off the top of my head. these ones are all a bit sad looking-they were over crowded and have some feather loss and sunburning. I'm not sure of the breeds of the older ones- I'm going to try to figure them out using BYC.
There are three sheep- Oreo, Tina, and Lena. They are ADORABLE!! Oreo is very friendly and follows you around looking for treats.
There is a pair of peafowl- Mark Anthony, the peacock, is very handsome. Cleopatra, the peahen, is stunning! They free roam over the entire property. Cleopatra is Mark Anthony's daughter. They are quite skittish but I am trying to befriend them by bringing treats.
I guess I would call my home a homestead-in-progress. We have 25 acres for two people, one dog, and four chickens. We got "pandemic chickens," like thousands of other people, but it was always a plan to get them when I retired. Covid retired me, so now I have chickens. :)

I'm big into gardening, and am loving the poop! I had the best compost ever this year. Even I thought it looked tasty. (No, not really.) We had the best potato, onion and tomato harvest, though the 'maters still were not enough for canning. I have lots of plans already for next year.

My chickens are not lap chickens, and I wish I had handled them more as chicks. I thought hand feeding them would be enough, but maybe not for Black Australorps. They will eat treats from my hand, will get on my lap for treats, but are not cuddlers. So no petting, no cuddles.

Pet Coco for me, if you think of it, please? She is beautiful.
I have dance now, but I'll answer this after :p (just making sure you don' think i'm ignoring you)
I have recently taken up volunteering on a farm, and many of you seem to be interested in how it's going. Here's a spot for me to talk about what's going on without interrupting other threads. I'd also LOVE to hear about any of your farms, hobby or commercial, or any work you're doing on a farm or homestead. Tagging some people I was chatting with before, and others who might like to join the fun: @JadeFarms @Sally PB @eggsandhens @SBFChickenGirl @MysteryChicken @OneHappyRooster @CHlCKEN @Overo Mare @LothalRebel @RoostersAreAwesome
Thanks for the tag!
There are three sheep- Oreo, Tina, and Lena. They are ADORABLE!! Oreo is very friendly and follows you around looking for treats.
What breed? And pics?
There is a pair of peafowl- Mark Anthony, the peacock, is very handsome. Cleopatra, the peahen, is stunning! They free roam over the entire property. Cleopatra is Mark Anthony's daughter. They are quite skittish but I am trying to befriend them by bringing treats.
Pics? I've always thought peafowl were beautiful, but I've got my hands full with chickens... so not looking to get them anytime soon. Maybe one day though...

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