Farm Day 2013 - Peafowl photos!


9 Years
Sep 16, 2010
Pensacola, FL
I only told Blue Creek Farm this, but my main intention for Farm Day was to talk to Josh about green peafowl. I brought my dog box and everything and was ready to buy a young pair of greens from him today but he said he needed time to sex them (they are this year's hatch) and to call him next week. Josh has a ton more green peafowl than I thought and I swear I was in heaven. Aaron kept laughing at me because I was jumping up and down taking tons of photos of the greens and freaking out! Rocking B-A-B Ranch's website doesn't do any justice to just how beautiful their peafowl are. They are really pretty, they have lots of pens, and I freaked out about the awesome giant elephant ears too!

I made a check list for green peafowl where on each page it would be for a different subspecies and it would have topics like "1. Long legs" and I would check the ones that were good and X out the ones that were not good. Looking at the green peafowl before speaking to Josh, I gave all three subspecies perfect scores. Some of the only ones that were not so good were a few of the American Greens but all of the imports were beautiful!

I told Aaron I just had to find Josh. I told him I figured he would be one of the guys driving around a Polaris and so the first guy we saw driving a Polaris we asked if he was Josh and he said, "No, but look for a guy wearing a sun visor. He is the only guy that runs a farm that wears a sun visor." Sure enough we see a guy driving a Polaris wearing a grey sun visor. He didn't have a lot of time to talk (I figured he would be busy) but he said most people have gotten out of breeding green peafowl. He said he is about the only person in the US with a lot of the imports left. He said there are a few here and there, but he has probably the most and some of the purest subspecies. I am very lucky that I only live an hour away! I am also happy that he said in our area we don't need to provide heat for green peafowl. He had to go soon, but he told Aaron and me that we should go back down to the green peafowl pens and guess which subspecies are in each pen. We went back and wrote down the pen # and what subspecies we thought it was.

When we finally got to talk to Josh again he read down the list and told us which ones we didn't get right and we got almost all of them correct! It was awesome! He told me to contact him next week about the green peafowl.

There were lots of peas and I will try and correctly identify the variety. Some of them I am unsure about...I tried to find those new varieties Blue Creek wanted me to take photos of but I am not sure if I found them? I don't know all of the greyish & tannish colored peafowl look very similar to me!

Okay photos will be in a second post...
Pen #'s 25-33 are all imported green peafowl pens. The others on this row were American Greens with a few different Spalding varieties mixed in with some. Some of the birds (especially the greens) were hard to photograph because they were moving a lot so that is why some of the photos are blurry.

This was pen #44. Spalding cameos with either an American Green or a Spalding. Not sure...

Pen #43

I think this one is #42...Some of the photos might be mixed up. I wish I would have kept better track of which photos were from which pen.

Look how colorful this peahen is!

Alright well I have 213 or so photos and I really don't want to put them up all at once so this is just a little treat for now. I will keep posting more of them when I have time. I need to go to bed right now, but man today was awesome!!!
I am glad you had a great time and it is so exciting that you will finally have your dream greens! I am assuming you will want imperators? Thanks for getting the pictures. Those peafowl look awesome! Even those cameo spaldings have a lot of green in them. Josh must have lots of pure green peafowl if he has that many pens for imported ones. I can't imagine how much he paid for importing...
The Rocking BAB Ranch is about 300 acres but the peafowl are on about five acres of the property. There are 44 breeder pens if I remember correctly. There are also 3-4 other larger breeder flight pens, two huge flight aviaries, 4-5 grow out pens, and a couple of chick barns/aviaries. I would guess there are probably 250 birds in the breeder pens but there are probably another 100 or so adults on site and a couple hundred plus chicks and grow outs. There are some really great pictures of some of their facilities on their website. Josh does a great job of running the place.

He has bunch of greens available right now. You will get to pick from a pretty good selection.

I want some of those peach grow outs. Unfortunately I am going to have to see if Josh has a spare spalding cameo cock available. Had an owl attack through a net last week.
I am glad you had a great time and it is so exciting that you will finally have your dream greens! I am assuming you will want imperators? Thanks for getting the pictures. Those peafowl look awesome! Even those cameo spaldings have a lot of green in them. Josh must have lots of pure green peafowl if he has that many pens for imported ones. I can't imagine how much he paid for importing...
Actually after seeing all of the subspecies in person the Javanese, or as Josh explained it, they are really Muticus Muticus birds instead of Javanese...Anyways those ended up being my favorite but the Imperators were nice too. He has a pen of American Greens that he told me he is sure that they are pure Javanese if I want peachicks from them. They sure would cost less but I have to think about it. I want to make sure I get some that appeal to what I am looking for the most which is mainly size and color. I can't imagine the cost of importing either but Josh said it is just a numbers game...I was wondering if he meant it all had to do with how many birds you import at once or something.

The Rocking BAB Ranch is about 300 acres but the peafowl are on about five acres of the property. There are 44 breeder pens if I remember correctly. There are also 3-4 other larger breeder flight pens, two huge flight aviaries, 4-5 grow out pens, and a couple of chick barns/aviaries. I would guess there are probably 250 birds in the breeder pens but there are probably another 100 or so adults on site and a couple hundred plus chicks and grow outs. There are some really great pictures of some of their facilities on their website. Josh does a great job of running the place.

He has bunch of greens available right now. You will get to pick from a pretty good selection.

I want some of those peach grow outs. Unfortunately I am going to have to see if Josh has a spare spalding cameo cock available. Had an owl attack through a net last week.

When we were there I was wondering how many acres it was. Their farm is just beautiful. My boyfriend and I were saying how it would be awesome to have such a beautiful place. They have lots of pretty open fields and nice forested areas.

Josh did have lots of young greens. I was very surprised to see so many young ones! I always got the impression that it was hard for people to get peachicks from greens, but Josh got a lot of young greens!

Time for more photos!! These first two photos might be pen 41...

Look at the legs on this peacock!

Next photos pen # 37.

Pen # 38. Josh said this is one of his nicest birds. It took years to get a Spalding pied bird with the nice scaled neck, bright yellow face, long legs, etc. This bird was very beautiful!

I think this is pen # 37 again...

Big Spalding white peacock...

I am going to go ahead and post this and then keep on posting more photos in another post...I just don't want this to backspace or crash or something and then have to re do this!

Oh oops actually the big white spalding was in pen #36

Eh I am done guessing the pen #...

Josh told me that the reason that some of the greens have short crests is due to all of the visitors he gets. His greens are always getting nervous and wear down their crest from pacing and hitting the netting.

Pretty peahen

I love the way the wing glows here...



Some pens had one chicken in it. Does anyone know why they keep just 1 chicken in some of the pens? Are they just extra birds?

Okay time for my favorite pen... # 28 had a very friendly Muticus Muticus pair! The male was especially friendly. This is the peahen...

Peacock. The photos just don't show how bright his face really was...It was almost a sky blue for the "white" parts and a very bright canary yellow for the yellow part. I loved this peacock so so so much!!! Mainly because he was great for standing still for photos. Just look at his colors though!

I reached through the fence and he gently pecked my hand.

I noticed the greens have more of a pink/purple train color and the sides are green.

One of the peahens. You can tell it is a hen a few different ways...Notice that the small tan wing feathers have stripes on them. Only the peahens will have stripes there.

My boyfriend Aaron with the friendly green peacock.


Finally moving on to a large flight pen...This was my favorite pen!

We noticed there was a cat sitting on top of the netting at the corner of the aviary. It jumped down after I took the picture and came up to us and we pet it.
Eventually I will show more photos that are not just of the peafowl.

I am going to bed now, but there are still lots more photos to come!

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