Farm Day/Chicken Swap - Tractor Supply Co., Sanford, Maine

I went despite the rain and it was a slow start, not sure if it got busier as the day went. I came home with two Cochins (no idea exactly what they are but they have cute fuzzy feet!) and they are hanging alone for now. Can't wait to see my entire gang getting along. Its starting to look like a real back yard chicken coop/run!
I got some good questions answered and if this bunch doesn 't work out I think I know what direction I'm heading in next time! Think I am really liking the big Americaunas (sp) or Acaunas? Already sold when I got there so maybe next time!

Maybe some big meat birds too!

Giddy with excitement from my new additions! Hope they aren't Roos!
It was a great day, even with the rain
We did well sold several, less to feed at home and cleared out some cages so we were happy it was well worth the trip. Plus we got out...
In the future I do think I am looking for Aracaunas and Brahmas, so if anyone in Maine knows (for next year maybe) anyone who hatches them I want to get them early so we can raise them.
I saw a couple this weekend but already sold (darn, too late!) but I love their size and colors of the eggs. And Brahmas look pretty beefy too, so we could eat them if we decided to go that direction.

First i have to fall in love with these girls, try my darndest to keep them safe from predators and get them laying. I'll be up for some more next year!

Thanks again Chicken Swappers!
I used to have brahmas, but I sold them. this was due to the fact they are slow growers and eat alot but don't any larger egg then my regular birds and if roos, take alot longer to get to market weight then other breeds. they are very cold hardy which is a plus.
Yes, Thank You, Thank you, very much Chickn for picking up the chicks Laura set aside for me. It was such a relief to be able to reach you and Laura at the Sanford Match after having the scare on the highway....
Yes, Thank You, Thank you, very much Chickn for picking up the chicks Laura set aside for me. It was such a relief to be able to reach you and Laura at the Sanford Match after having the scare on the highway....

sometimes its good to have someones phone number just in case. worked out well

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