Farmers lock up your diesel and gas


12 Years
Dec 18, 2007
With the rising gas prices there have been a string of thefts around the country of farm diesel and gas. I read of 1 farmer in TN to who had 300 gallons stolen.

Thieves pull up at night, even bring their own hoses and take what gas they can.
I've heard about that happening too.

I dropped my car off at a mechanic's for a glow plug replacement. He kept it for a week with various excuses as for why he hadn't gotten to it yet. When I finally picked it up, he'd put 200 miles on it. I think he was using it for runs to the parts store or for commuting to his house.

Better stock up on some, well, bu__ets. You fill in the blanks.

See, we have a bunch of people in this country that has no common sense whatsoever. They don't know how to stock up, plant, preserve, be self sufficient, do things on their own, mind their own business, etc.etc. and these are the ones that will be coming in our yards trying to take what we have worked hard on stocking up on.

Come on villans, I'm ready for ya. :mad:

And mom'sfolly--- I would have turned that man in so fast, his head would have spun off his shoulders. My sister had that problem and she hired a lawyer, she won the case. She didn't have to pay one red cent of court cost (he did), He had to pay her attorney fees, she got her money back from the mechanic (around$3000), and he had to pay $1500.00 to boot to my sister.
Tell me that won't make a head spin.
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I just wonder what is REALLY going on.

I have a friend who has a ranch in Mexico. He goes down regularly to do chores but comes back with the max (119 gallons plus) that he can bring back over the border. Diesel fuel there is $2.04 a gallon. Here is is $4.80+ a gallon.

Has our dollar devalued that much?

Are there folks like George Soros out there buying up oil futures so that the price of gas in our country soars, ruining our economy?

Will the fed continue the devaluation of our dollar by keeping interest rates low?... the housing industry has already bottomed out, why not give our country some clout again by raising interest rates and making our dollar worth something?

OK, I'll get down off of my soap box now, but I wonder if there have been folks out there trying to ruin our economy on purpose because there is an election around the corner.
We are having the same problem here.
and my hubby has caught them by sleeping out by the steps with a loaded 12 gauge.and when he seen them come in the moonlight he loaded the barrel and one girl screamed and they ran ,we thought that would do the trick nope they are still trying to come in the middle of the night around here and even worse another town over the are sneaking underneath cars punching holes in the gas tanks and draining gas in pans or hubby sit outside at night with a gun now every weekend this is getting old.yeah cops know and have tried to catch em with not much luck sitting out here wont help either they wont come around at all. so Im just waiting till they take my can of special gas;) half old gas half bleach and cant wait to find there car dead down the road works better than sugar!!
Better stock up on some, well, bu__ets. You fill in the blanks.


Ya we have fuel oil and tons of full gas cans in our pole shed so were going to be locking those things up! Some people will be getting VERY desperate as gas prices rise!​
We've had this issue on and off for years...even when gas was cheap. If you put a lock on it they'll just cut the hose and when they get what they want they'll let the rest drain out on the ground.

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