Farmer's Market Ideas


8 Years
Feb 23, 2011
Crossville, Tennessee
I am thinking about doing the farmer's market thing this year. Our garden did so well last year with all the organic stuff and square foot gardening I did, I want to grow more to sell.

I was thinking, instead of growing a whole lot of variety, I may grow only a few staples but grow them well. Anything we don't sell won't get wasted and my startup and running costs will be nearly nothing. Instead of the farmer's market, I might do a roadside stand. We have the store right down our road and the owner will let me use his side yard to set up a stand.

I was thinking compost, free-range eggs, chicks, vine-ripened, heirloom tomatoes, broccoli, squash, Brussels, corn, carrots, some sort of mixed greens and leaf lettuces. Later in the season our apples, pears, plums, cherries, walnuts, and peaches. Maybe a couple of specialty vegetables.

The fruits are touch and go, we had to do some major pruning and they might not produce much this year, LOL.

We probably won't be doing herbs as I am not ready to plant them.

What are you planning on selling this growing season?
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Sell soy-free eggs in your own custom egg cartons with custom-made labels. Refuse to recycle anyone's but your own egg cartons. When your customers experience soy-free eggs they will never buy anything but soy free again.
My babies are almost soy-free (they get our scraps from the kitchen and there is probably some soy in some of it). I am hoping my next ladies will be 100% organic and soy-free!

Right now most of their diet consists of whole oats, oyster shell and lots of yummy weeds and fresh fish. They get scraps almost everyday day though.

I didn't think about listing them as soy-free. When I am 100% sure they are, I will add that to my sign. Thanks!
Don't forget to plant gourds and pumpkins for the fall market. They are easy to grow and can be trained to vine so take up less space. Are you craft handy? Homemade crafts are good sellers too.
I have some of those dipper/bird house gourd seeds. I used to be crafty but after having my son I kind of quit with the crafts. I guess I could try and sell some just dried and maybe some drilled too. Thanks for the idea!
My babies are almost soy-free (they get our scraps from the kitchen and there is probably some soy in some of it). I am hoping my next ladies will be 100% organic and soy-free!

Right now most of their diet consists of whole oats, oyster shell and lots of yummy weeds and fresh fish. They get scraps almost everyday day though.

I didn't think about listing them as soy-free. When I am 100% sure they are, I will add that to my sign. Thanks!

As long as they are not fed a maintenance ration that is made with soymeal they are not producing soy based egg yolks...
I wouldn't want to chance it.
If they get a ton of soy products in their scraps I would be afraid to list them as soy-free. I don't think we eat a lot of soy because I cook mainly veggies and wheat/corn-based products. We don't get many prepackaged things. I'll err on the side of safety, LOL.

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