Farming and Homesteading Heritage Poultry

I'm still up in the air on Sand Hill. Havnt been hearing good things about their stock over the past 5 years. I've not ever got anything from them but I've heard more bad then good about them here lately.
How many and what breeds are you interested in?

Hi Kathy,

My wife wants 3 to 6 Silver Laced Wyandotte pullets with one or two roos.

I have had several breeds in mind for myself, Buckeyes and Barred Rocks among them, but there is one breed that just keeps catching my eye. Speckled Sussex. They look good to me, are said to be friendly, lay decent, make good brooders and mothers, plus are good for meat. I have decided that is what I want to go with. I want 15 to 25 pullets with a couple roosters. And I want the best!

Skyline, glad you posted again. I've gotten sidetracked a little as I've been studying a lot on breeds and the various good breeders. I looked at your site again and see you have both the Silver Laced Wyandottes and Speckled Sussex. Can you tell me some about yours? Are they the best in the land? Anyone here on BYC got some of your stock? Do you ship to Virginia? And when will you have some available?
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How many and what breeds are you interested in?

Hi Kathy,

My wife wants 3 to 6 Silver Laced Wyandotte pullets with one or two roos.

I have had several breeds in mind for myself, Buckeyes and Barred Rocks among them, but there is one breed that just keeps catching my eye. Speckled Sussex. They look good to me, are said to be friendly, lay decent, make good brooders and mothers, plus are good for meat. I have decided that is what I want to go with. I want 15 to 25 pullets with a couple roosters. And I want the best!

Skyline, glad you posted again. I've gotten sidetracked a little as I've been studying a lot on breeds and the various good breeders. I looked at your site again and see you have both the Silver Laced Wyandottes and Speckled Sussex. Can you tell me some about yours? Are they the best in the land? Anyone here on BYC got some of your stock? Do you ship to Virginia? And when will you have some available?

My Speckled Sussex have came from 3 sources. Mt Healthy, Local Breeders, & Mcmurray. I breed to what I like and will have my own lines by next season. My locals were very big. Mt Healthys were good layers. Mcmurrays had good Plumage. My Silver Laced Wyandottes are straight from Ron Presley. Will not change Ron Presleys line. Very good stock! No need to do anything . Ill have speckled and SLW ready by late next year. SLW will be sooner since they'll be straightt bred.
I haven't read the whole thread yet and I certainly intend to.
We have a small farm (12 acres) in Ga. The goal is to raise 90% of our food in 5 years. This is our second year and the first producing out own food. I chose Marans as our main chicken. I had to have a good dual purpose breed that had a single comb because of the heat. The incredible eggs are a bonus. My flock is just beginning to lay and my rooster is a chunk. Around eight pounds at 5 months! I hope his sons are of equal proportions as they are for the table. We have recently added birds that are more single use. A few Easter Eggers and a breeding pair of Silver Spangled Hamburgs. The EEs are to cross to my Marans roo for Olive Eggers which I will selectively breed for dual use.
Marans get heavy pretty fast. Or at least my Ron Presley Lines do. I mean, they arn't no hybrid or production breed but I've been really impressed with their weight. Egg production on the other hand, not so much. Its fair with nice big chocolate eggs but I want categorize them as a homesteaders dream bird. Just to name a few good dual purpose breeds these would be Delawares, Speckled Sussex, Rhode Island Whites, Langshans, & Marraduna Basque. Any old lines of Rhode Island Reds would be ideal if you can find them. My orpington Hybrids I've been working on eat very little and bulk up pretty fast with good weight. And egg production has been excellant. Cornish of course and good Buckeyes bulk up nice but eat a fair amount but weight gain has been decent fast. I guess its all preference but when your homesteading for self preservation its good to have the best bang for your buck.Like I always say, pretty birds are fun but dual purpose breeds get it done.
Excellent thread and excellent post. Keep it up and I am enjoying this whole thread. I am tyring to make a decision on what to concentrate on around here. I do want somthing sustainable and good tasting meat for the table. I have a broken ankle at this time so am sitting here with my foot propped up and reading thru tons of threads.
Well, it looks like I got a start on Speckled Sussex. I'm getting a dozen eggs from a breeder in Georgia with stock from the Garry Farm. I don't know much about them, but the chickens they have look really great. Well, I'll see how it goes. One way or another (in the pen or in the pan!) I'll like 'em what ever they are like. If I can get them to hatch that is. Don't want to be counting so soon, you know.
I hatched some of Nancy's Speckled Sussex eggs about 5 weeks ago. I don't claim to be any judge of poultry but I like them a lot, FWIW.

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