Farming and Homesteading Heritage Poultry

I'm still up in the air on Sand Hill. Havnt been hearing good things about their stock over the past 5 years. I've not ever got anything from them but I've heard more bad then good about them here lately.

I've about given up getting anything. When I try to communication is lacking. It's first paid first filled, which is fine and understood but if there's none left for the year then what good does it do to pay? I don't know whether to send money and hope or what's available when or ??? Had at one point an order of about $200 - might be nothing to some but that's a substantial order for me - but I couldn't get direct answers to if what I wanted was available if I sent money in. It comes across like "we'll take the money and decide when you get it" and *that* is likely to be four months from now on the one week per year I'm out of town. I tried the next year planning to send in early - but kept checking back for price updates (which was listed prices would increase but to what, and had to be paid in full) - so it's really been frustrating trying to GET some of these birds and I've for the moment given up to build what is easier to get.
My orpington Hybrids I've been working on eat very little and bulk up pretty fast with good weight. And egg production has been excellant.

James, I'm a curious gal. What cross(es) did you make with your Orpingtons?​
James, I'm a curious gal. What cross(es) did you make with your Orpingtons?

I crossed my Bill Braden Buckeyes with some Lavender Orpingtons. I just wanted fill the chest out a little more. I figured egg production to drop but its been good. They grew pretty fast considering they don't eat much at all. Body is feeling out nice too.
Hey all! I am still catching up on this thread, but I wanted to let Yellow House Farm know that this thread is what finally got me to sign up after lurking for so long. I blame you for what I fear will become a terrible addiction...
Hi Ken,

Thanks for sharing the picture and information about Garry Farm's SS. I bought my eggs from "itsmyobsession" in the online BYC auction who got her birds from the Garry's. She is mailing them out Monday. I'm excited about getting them. I hope I have good luck hatching them out. It will be my first time incubating. Well, you got to start somewhere.

I looked at the Garry Farm website. They seem to be such nice people. I wish I lived closer just to be able to visit the farm. I hope the prayers she says for her chickens that go out to other people work down to the eggs I'm getting!
It's been informative to catch up on this thread; been raising up some chicks this winter/spring. DH was just saying tonight we should have done this sooner.

To those new to poultry and trying to figure out which breed/birds to get this may be of interest to you as I too am just starting into the life of poultry and this is my two cents.

I'm working with MM birds to start; added a few more breeds; and then got very lucky and won FBCM chicks and bought turkeys(Meyers) the same day. CHicken math is scary. LOL

I enjoy each breed; each has something special about it and not quite the same as the other breeds; THe silver spangled hamburg rooster, the MM special, has helped me appreciate the crafty foragers that never gets caught. He literally goes where ever he pleases! The BO are sweet golden girls ready to visit all the time. The EE are standoffish but will give me big eggs that are hopefully blue; and I'll cross them with the marans to get olive eggers. The SS are curious and love to visit and peck at my legs like are saying "hey, I'm over here. Pay attention to me,too!" THe blk star rooster is a character who surveys his land and girls, comes to visit with in reach but is quick to evade a touching hand. I like some more than others yet each will fill my needs. ( I hope!)

Originally, I only wanted a few egg layers when I bought my first girls back in January! Now, I've met a fellow Buckeye enthusiast and we PM and email as we figure out how to work together. We have learned a great deal as we read posts, attend shows, and plan.

My point is: there is no one way to jump into chickens. "Start from where you are" was the first advice I was given. LEarn as you go and adjust. My SLW (from MM)looked as good as the birds at the BOston show; and my EE don't have to match anything, just give large lovely eggs.THe Buckeyes--that will be the heart and soul of my breeding goal so yes I am doing my homework and planning. ANd I'm sure mother nature will have her laughs when she throws a wrench into my plans here and there. LOL

My birds come from the mass production hatcheries and the finest breeders. All sources serve a purpose. Good luck and enjoy your birds.
Slowmoneyfarm , sorry to hear that you are dissatisfied with your experience with Sandhill. I do not know them personlly except for a couple of phone conversations. I also have no intention of making excuses for them in regard to customer service. Mr Drowns is a full time school teacher and the farm is a family endeavor . It seems that they did not anticipate the volume of response to their poultry and seed business.
Chickens have been in my life since I was 6 and am now 64, not exactly a newbie. I now have a small flock of well bred bantam Phoenix from a breeder who has been working with this line for many years, 20 , I think. After finding ALBC online I thought that it would be worthwhile to do what I could . This was june 2010 so when I placed my order with Sandhill, I requested they wait till sept to ship when the temps here in Fl dropped a bit. BBR Cubalayas and Blk Penedesencas were the two breeds I wanted the most with their White faced white Spanish making up the balance. Back up was Dorkings and other colors of Cubas. My Sept 9 chicks arrived priority 2 days later hale and hearty. I will admit I was disapointed when no WFWS and only two blk Penes were in the shipment with a note that the hatch was poor. So I had BBR Cubalayas, BRR Cubas , Blk Dorkings and 2 Pene pullets. So I raised them and they turned out better than I had hoped for especially the BBR Cubalayas. If I am careful about the breeding I expect that there will be show able birds in the near future. I have Cuba and Dorking chicks from 6 wks to day old now, looking good so far.
Surprise ! In Feb of this year I recieved a letter from Sandhill telling me that they would try to send my WFWS in may. In respose I sent extra funds for more Penedesencas ( I have had trouble getting any from breeders)as well as shipping costs . My back ups were any orientals. First week in May my chicks arrived still no WFWS , more Penes than I ordered, red Pyle Cubas, dark Shamos, and Orloffs. They also sent me a $15. credit because they could not send any WFWS.
Now ! if you were me would you be angry with them ? People like that restore my faith in humanity. Bill Marcy

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