Farming and Homesteading Heritage Poultry

I'm impressed by the good breast muscling!! NOt what I would expect in a sumatra--now I am rethinking everything I know. Perhaps compared to hatchey stock everything else is likely to be better muscled.
thanks! I have had Sumatra's for 5 years. I got the originals 5 years ago, some adults, some young . And for the years following i have been selectively breeding them. I have to assume they originally came from hatchery stock, but the hatchery characteristics have been bred out of them. FYI these were 2 very small roo's. Normally I let them grow a little more before butchering. After we eat these I may change my mind on that.....
Anyone with good heritage breeds available in MA or willing to ship a small quantity of fertilized eggs to MA please PM me! Thanks!

This coming Saturday the place to be is in Sringfield, MA a the Big E for the Northeastern Poultry Congress. Don't miss it. You'll see excellent poultry and get an idea of what's locally available.
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I would like to know how one can feel if a bird is meaty. Or look and tell. I have birds that are big but was told that doesn't mean they are more meaty than the smaller birds.

There are a few different pages here on the ALBC site. Read the over and over again, and then go ut and handle your birds until you start to feel it.
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Technically they are, but they're eating games for sure.

Arielle always comes up with good questions! There were lovely Cornish at the congress. I always liken them to Harley Davidson birds.... they are stocky and their heads look like they are wearing skull caps and goggles to me.

When do most of you worm in the spring? Right now I am getting just a few eggs IF I find them before they freeze. I was considering worming before I get into eggs and incubating but then I also wondered if the stress of cold and being cooped in constantly was enough stress to warrant not worming.

There's so much to consider working with a chicken and trying to make some 'worth' in it. Sex links for money, meat for you or sale, selling to poo or feathers, egg decorating, breeds that are up to snuff for sale, preservation, pretty/comedy. IDK how to ever make any of it work much less pick the magic combo.

I have decided to get some manure from local horses delivered to the house. I figure it can go in a pile and when the birds come out in spring they will be VERY happy to scratch at it. I thought about putting it in the pens but I have to lime to keep it from smelling badly right now so no more additions beyond what is mandated by normal chicken activity.

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