Farming and Homesteading Heritage Poultry

Not so quick witted you noticed I joined in first THEN looked back because she didn't come back. Knew there had to be a reason.... THEN I saw it. Am a bit slow... especially today as it is drink the colon prep solution day.
Stuck inside this afternoon watching out window as they free range.
Been there done that!! Geez I think it is that time again . . . . .
WHat flavor did you pick??
Been there done that!! Geez I think it is that time again . . . . .
WHat flavor did you pick??
It doesn't make any difference it all tastes like crap after the first half glass . Yuk !
I never drink what they tell me and always the procedure goes OK.
I think its designed as torture. I think its a joke in the Med profession " Tell em they need to drink two gallons " "chuckle - Chuckle" - Come on Bee fess up LOL Drink till I'm full and I'm done.
It doesn't make any difference it all tastes like crap after the first half glass . Yuk !
I never drink what they tell me and always the procedure goes OK.
I think its designed as torture. I think its a joke in the Med profession " Tell em they need to drink two gallons " "chuckle - Chuckle" - Come on Bee fess up LOL Drink till I'm full and I'm done.

Good luck with the test. Yes, I hate them too.
Finally the chickens went to roost and I could shut up the coops! Quick in, quick out....before I had to go again. Almost time for the second half of concoction.

No flavoring now. They do it differently and none of it covered by prescription anymore.
64 oz of Gatorade or clear liquid drink (no red colors).
6 Tablets Dulcolax laxative tablets (not suppository or stool softener)
Miralax 238 grams (8.3 ounces) powder or generic polyethylene glycol 3350 (can find in
laxative section)
Infants’ Mylicon Liquid

I'm using the Gatorade Frost as it doesn't contain citric flavors or artificial sweeteners which would put me admitted to hospital before they ever started!!!!

The hardest part was/is getting to bathroom quick enough and having to mop and sanitize floor multiple times. (Being disabled I can not move fast) Well except the colon does right now. Already covered the carpet to hall from bedroom with a huge plastic tablecloth and old towels to ditch when done for tonight. Started soft and liquid diet a day early so already about cleaned out. Pureed one day, then soft diet and today only liquids. Just colored water to have to clean from flooring... thank goodness!! And I have had several showers today too!

Yeah get this test done and home to my chickens. Going to have some fried chicken, baked potato, steamed asparagus and bake a rhubarb pie to celebrate when I get home. All home grown right here!!! Might even eat half the container of yogurt and give the chickens the other half. Both of us will need the probiotics. Just feel bad they have to stay in the coop until I get home. Just watched out the window today and let them run all day.
Quote: ROFL

On a serious note, I was at the office for another matter when the doc pointed out a little known medical fact in my records: he had actually read my information, no doc had EVER done that!! I happen to be one of those folks at double the risk of the general population. Hence I try to eat as well or better than I feed my chickens. lol Cancer can be prevented and it can be beat. I eat far more veg , and no more sugar, ( or very little) . . . figure no sugar is a fair trade for no colon cancer.

Edited for spelling and to add--

I am greatful for all here that have shared how to raise well fed chickens, the free ranging methods and the how to's of land management to reach that goal.

Now to teach the ducks to eat more grasses and less from the feed bunk!
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Finally the chickens went to roost and I could shut up the coops! Quick in, quick out....before I had to go again. Almost time for the second half of concoction.

No flavoring now. They do it differently and none of it covered by prescription anymore.
64 oz of Gatorade or clear liquid drink (no red colors).
6 Tablets Dulcolax laxative tablets (not suppository or stool softener)
Miralax 238 grams (8.3 ounces) powder or generic polyethylene glycol 3350 (can find in
laxative section)
Infants’ Mylicon Liquid

I'm using the Gatorade Frost as it doesn't contain citric flavors or artificial sweeteners which would put me admitted to hospital before they ever started!!!!

The hardest part was/is getting to bathroom quick enough and having to mop and sanitize floor multiple times. (Being disabled I can not move fast) Well except the colon does right now. Already covered the carpet to hall from bedroom with a huge plastic tablecloth and old towels to ditch when done for tonight. Started soft and liquid diet a day early so already about cleaned out. Pureed one day, then soft diet and today only liquids. Just colored water to have to clean from flooring... thank goodness!! And I have had several showers today too!

Yeah get this test done and home to my chickens. Going to have some fried chicken, baked potato, steamed asparagus and bake a rhubarb pie to celebrate when I get home. All home grown right here!!! Might even eat half the container of yogurt and give the chickens the other half. Both of us will need the probiotics. Just feel bad they have to stay in the coop until I get home. Just watched out the window today and let them run all day.

Maybe you just need to drag up a chair and a book in the hallway next to the bathroom.
Finally the chickens went to roost and I could shut up the coops! Quick in, quick out....before I had to go again. Almost time for the second half of concoction.

No flavoring now. They do it differently and none of it covered by prescription anymore.
64 oz of Gatorade or clear liquid drink (no red colors).
6 Tablets Dulcolax laxative tablets (not suppository or stool softener)
Miralax 238 grams (8.3 ounces) powder or generic polyethylene glycol 3350 (can find in
laxative section)
Infants’ Mylicon Liquid

I'm using the Gatorade Frost as it doesn't contain citric flavors or artificial sweeteners which would put me admitted to hospital before they ever started!!!!

The hardest part was/is getting to bathroom quick enough and having to mop and sanitize floor multiple times. (Being disabled I can not move fast) Well except the colon does right now. Already covered the carpet to hall from bedroom with a huge plastic tablecloth and old towels to ditch when done for tonight. Started soft and liquid diet a day early so already about cleaned out. Pureed one day, then soft diet and today only liquids. Just colored water to have to clean from flooring... thank goodness!! And I have had several showers today too!

Yeah get this test done and home to my chickens. Going to have some fried chicken, baked potato, steamed asparagus and bake a rhubarb pie to celebrate when I get home. All home grown right here!!! Might even eat half the container of yogurt and give the chickens the other half. Both of us will need the probiotics. Just feel bad they have to stay in the coop until I get home. Just watched out the window today and let them run all day.
THe chooks will manage for the day. No worried there.

YOu manage just fine!! Forward thinking with those towels and such. I look forward tot he day when colon cancer is a thing of the past. RHubarb pie-- ummmmmum-- every spring I used to cut 4 cups of rhubard and pile on the sugar and bake. ANd sometimes the sugar would settle on the bottom making a solid sugar layer flavored like rhubarb . . . . . . loved those pies. Haven't had any for years now though-- one of those things I gave up. You dinner will be devine, all homemade and yummy. Good call on the yogurt!! My kids suck down that stuff in smoothies and I have FINALLY gotten them to take homemeade yogurt for their school lunch Hurrah, haappppyyyy dance. Because I can cut out the sugar from the individual serving size that is loaded! Now to find organic milk . . . . .
I just re-read her post. Yes she did say "....maybe a broody, or a breeding scenario, or to give the girls a break from a rooster, but there will always be free ranging done with the flock."

It was just a nice way of saying OH YES I CAN
No wonder she is silent now.... shaking her head at our naivety at understanding her satire.

You are quick witted-- I just figured I missed something and followed the crowd, lol. Bee must be either shacking her head or laughing full tilt. . . .

At least it sparked a conversation!!

Fred got it right away, crafty fox that he is! So did Gjensen.....quick! Tongue in cheek as Fred put it!
I'm not really a "breeder" yet but am dipping in the toe, so to speak, and if there is a way to do it on free range then, by gummy, I'm going to do it. And there is...flock breeding or some variation of that. It's slower, it's not as productive, it's more risky....but it's right down my alley.

Breed the best and eat the rest, bring in better if I can't make what I'm trying to make in a certain amount of time....but I'm betting I'll get there if I just keep culling for the traits I want. It's slow, but sure. I may never get there before I'm gone.....but I'm GOING and that's the important part. That journey, that discovery and challenge, and the fun of trying to create that good bird or the worthy flock.

You guys know me....I never do things the way other folks do it.
Bee, it would be slower.

It still boils down to hatching a qty. of growers and selection though. I do not think that anyone can logically dispute that.

I think that it is less risky, and a good way for someone to get their feet wet (or stick their toe in the water). The reason is the variability. You haven't put yourself in a corner to start off with. That might go against conventional wisdom, but I still believe that flock mating is not a bad place to start.

The biggest thing us newbies need to learn is selection. Developing an eye for the birds, and becoming familiar with the strengths and weaknesses in our birds. It takes a generation or two to do that when we are new. In the mean time, the added variability might help keep us from getting into too much trouble. At least not to a point of no return. A little more room for error.
Been there done that!! Geez I think it is that time again . . . . .
WHat flavor did you pick??
I hate that stuff so bad I will never again put it in my mouth! Besides a lady at my Dr.'s office told the Dr. she could not drink it without vomiting that she needed the pill!
They have a pill and torture us with this instead??? What's up with that?

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