


That is my favaucana pair
No I bought those from a lady ...I have hatched many chicks.the dad favaucana and mothers ameraucanas and they favaucana they all look like favaucanas .:)
No I bought those from a lady ...I have hatched many chicks.the dad favaucana and mothers ameraucanas and they favaucana they all look like favaucanas .

How noisy are the egg-laying adults? I've heard owners complain their pure Faverolles are very noisy. I know our Blue Wheaten Ameraucana is very noisy during her egg cycles to the point I'm embarrassed because of neighbors. I can't imagine how noisy a Favaucana would be with those two noisy parents in their history
I just, this week, became a newbie to owning chickens. I have 2 Favaucana chicks and out of my 7 chicks and they both seem to be the only aggressive and timid ones. I also have one Ameraucana, one Silkie and 3 bantam. Do you all think the two Favas will become more social the more I hold and interact with them? I saw that several ppl were saying they usually have a nice temperament. One of them even aggressively pecks at my hand and runs away every time I go to pick it up. None of my other chicks try to bite at me when picking them up.

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