Faverolle pronunciation?

So funny I say this post. I was wondering the same thing. And I did think they were fat with rolls. A very chubby chicken. So cute.
That is the only pronunciation I have ever heard it called. And yes I have been around a while too....haha
Just ran into this. You funny people. They are cute though. I have also heard it Fav ariolelE Like FAV Ariel Leo something where after the person gets the Fav out the rest gets lost in translation. Who would have thunk it!!!
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Thanks for the disambiguation. I was *corrected* by a breeder who called them "fav-or-lays", and thought to myself, "No, wait, that can't be right!?" I thought I was pronouncing it correctly. :)
I don't know if it's right but I say it FA as in father and VER as in very; RO as in row the lles as the ye in yes. The word is french in orrigin and I speak spanish so I know in spanish the LL is pronounced as we pronounce ll in million with kind of a ye sound but again I'm not sure. I've heard it said in some pretty wild ways.

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