Faverolles or fav mix?


11 Years
Apr 1, 2008
North Carolina



These are some chicks I picked up at auction over the weekend. They were sold as faverolles. The do each have the extra toe. Two of the three have little face poofs starting. Not entirely sure how old they are (maybe 5 weeks?). Any Roos are gonna go back to auction. I'm hoping they all aren't. One pictured has a reddish color while the other two are a dark brown/black. I know these aren't the best pics but I'd live to hear from some experienced fav owners. Things I want to know: age, sex, and whether their actually favs, mixes, or something else entirely. I know it'll all be speculation but I'm just curious.
It's hard to say if they are pure, as some of the hatcheries have been producing some awful looking Favs (pullets mostly). If they are pure I would guess the first 2 are pullets and the last a cockerel. Does the first one have lacing? I can't tell.

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