Faverolles Thread

chicks always make me grab the camera- Sammy has finally decided its time to woo the girls.... but forget giving the ladies treats, those are all his!

If he would try it, he might discover it pays to share!
Okay late last night I was going over the 12 Days song in my head... Three French Hens are FAVORELLES!!!

I don't know why I got such a huge kick out of it but I did.

If he would try it, he might discover it pays to share!

I haven't noticed that sharing is exactly in a chicken's mind set. But I have no roosters that might want to "buy a girl dinner" in hopes of spending time with her later.

Okay late last night I was going over the 12 Days song in my head... Three French Hens are FAVORELLES!!!

I don't know why I got such a huge kick out of it but I did.

That is really funny! I've never given a thought to what a "French Hen" would be. I now have an additional visual to go with that song.
Of course, if someone had told me six months ago that the "3 French Hens" were Faverolles, I would have said "Huh? They are what??"

My EE roo, Galahad will sit with his favorite girl on the 'porch' going into the coop every nite, it is so darn cute-

sammy is still at the greedy stage, he's 8 months, so maybe he is just a slow learner?

I haven't noticed that sharing is exactly in a chicken's mind set. But I have no roosters that might want to "buy a girl dinner" in hopes of spending time with her later.


Hi Bruce - Yes, you have to see it... The rooster will literally call the girls over and give them treats. The one I have will hardly eat anything for himself, he gives it all away! If it's a large piece of something, he tears it apart for them.....

When I put fresh water in the pen, he tries it first... interesting behaviors!
My EE roo, Galahad will sit with his favorite girl on the 'porch' going into the coop every nite, it is so darn cute-

sammy is still at the greedy stage, he's 8 months, so maybe he is just a slow learner?

What a guy!

About Sammy - I did have an Ameracauna roo that took a while to learn to share. My SF guy is only 6 months old, he was an early starter at 4 and 1/2 months
Hi Bruce - Yes, you have to see it... The rooster will literally call the girls over and give them treats. The one I have will hardly eat anything for himself, he gives it all away! If it's a large piece of something, he tears it apart for them.....

When I put fresh water in the pen, he tries it first... interesting behaviors!

Yep, that courtship behavior is called 'tidbitting' and occurs in wild poultry fowl as well. Its becoming less common in breeds that have been confined for many generations though. Love the natural behavioral displays of birds!!!

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