Faverolles Thread

Links to the stuff/info about the remedys I mentioned:



...and Ashandvine, I will have some cull chicks from the hatch I just did, I can save a few of the lesser quality girls from them for you make Favacaunas if you like.I believe the 2nd draft picks are already spoken for.
what is the dosage for the Sabucol?
I'll take white, salmon or black please.... I bet blue is pretty :)

Kees, commiseration sent from this corner of the states as well. Luckly the last two Favs here are in the basement of the house with a bantam Polish Cap guarding them lol
Yes, they are! I can't wait to bring them home! We signed papers last night to rent-for-six-months-then-probably-buy an off-grid house on 5.5 mostly-cleared acres, surrounded on 3 sides by 4,000 acres of Nature Conservancy protected forestland. We're incredibly lucky, not a lot of places left that have so MUCH space around them that's guaranteed to still be there in 10 years as wild land, and that we don't have to own or pay taxes on! And the amazing opportunity to live in a place for 6 months before we have to decide whether we want to buy it....how many people get to test-drive their HOUSE? Of course, best part for me is that the property already has two AWESOME chicken coops on it, one is a repurposed ice fishing shack that will make a great quarantine or bachelor coop, it's far off from the house and other coops and plenty big; the other is almost attached to the house (and will be once we turn the covered walk into an enclosed breezeway/woodshed), passive solar design off the south face of the barn with HUGE windows that'll make part of it a really great low-energy-usage brooder area. We take possession on the 15th of Feb, so by early March we should be settled in, have the birds settled, have my sister and the toddler settled, and have figured out the coop configuration to where we'll be ready both for the drive to Boston and back to get more birds.(turns out, husband wants to come with me - his vacation days kick on in March and he wants to use a day to come along, maybe have lunch in Boston where we've never been together). MOAR BIRDS.

Super duper excited, there are so many amazing things about the place, right down to that the large-ish stream that is one side of the property line is a tribuitary of the river that flows right to my father-in-law's place, and it's navigable at least by kayak or canoe the whole way down! Off to go hit the grocery shops to rustle up some boxes!

ETA: AshandVine, you're not too far north of us in Maine (we'll be in Appleton/Union when we move), are you? If you want some of the Favaucana prospects from Sandiklaws, I'd be happy to transport them for you from her place at least as far as our place (or, you know, to your door if I'm totally forgetting where you live) when I go to pick up the birds I'm getting from her next month. We'll be making the drive regardless, may as well try and save someone else the gas and time too!
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Yes, they are! I can't wait to bring them home! We signed papers last night to rent-for-six-months-then-probably-buy an off-grid house on 5.5 mostly-cleared acres, surrounded on 3 sides by 4,000 acres of Nature Conservancy protected forestland. We're incredibly lucky, not a lot of places left that have so MUCH space around them that's guaranteed to still be there in 10 years as wild land, and that we don't have to own or pay taxes on! And the amazing opportunity to live in a place for 6 months before we have to decide whether we want to buy it....how many people get to test-drive their HOUSE? Of course, best part for me is that the property already has two AWESOME chicken coops on it, one is a repurposed ice fishing shack that will make a great quarantine or bachelor coop, it's far off from the house and other coops and plenty big; the other is almost attached to the house (and will be once we turn the covered walk into an enclosed breezeway/woodshed), passive solar design off the south face of the barn with HUGE windows that'll make part of it a really great low-energy-usage brooder area. We take possession on the 15th of Feb, so by early March we should be settled in, have the birds settled, have my sister and the toddler settled, and have figured out the coop configuration to where we'll be ready both for the drive to Boston and back to get more birds.(turns out, husband wants to come with me - his vacation days kick on in March and he wants to use a day to come along, maybe have lunch in Boston where we've never been together). MOAR BIRDS.

Super duper excited, there are so many amazing things about the place, right down to that the large-ish stream that is one side of the property line is a tribuitary of the river that flows right to my father-in-law's place, and it's navigable at least by kayak or canoe the whole way down! Off to go hit the grocery shops to rustle up some boxes!

ETA: AshandVine, you're not too far north of us in Maine (we'll be in Appleton/Union when we move), are you? If you want some of the Favaucana prospects from Sandiklaws, I'd be happy to transport them for you from her place at least as far as our place (or, you know, to your door if I'm totally forgetting where you live) when I go to pick up the birds I'm getting from her next month. We'll be making the drive regardless, may as well try and save someone else the gas and time too!

(totally jealous of where you are moving though... all I have is a long and narrow 1/2 acre w/ pain in the tush neighbors... but it is bought and paid for LOL)
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ok ....... looking at all these beautiful chicks is getting me antsie......... I was going to wait on an egg turner BUT......

What are all you Favie friends idea or opinions on how often you turn your eggs in the incubator?????

PLEASE describe....... I need all the help I can get...

Thanks ~Dana~
I have a turner, so no help there...but our local Craigslist has gone bonkers lately with people cleaning out their barns and getting rid of old incubators and turners they don't need - I've seen three at under $30 each in the last week. Might check there for one, I had a really good first hatch rate (100% of my Faverolles eggs) with the turner going.

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