Faverolles Thread

Cloverleaf did not ship chicks, but she shipped eggs last year. She lives in Oregon. There is a breeder named Ron Patterson in Indiana I believe who is highly recommended which would be closer to you.
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Hi i was wondering what do blue favorelles look like, they sound really pretty. I have a hen and a rooster i got from a good breeder they are not the best but I'm going to work with breeding them. Hopefully I'll get some nice chicks. They are bantam salmons. I'm going to put some eggs into a incubator I've made and perfected over the last week.
One last question are the whites hard to get.
Thanks in advance
Solid blue or blue salmon? Here are some solid blue and splash bantams.

As for whites, both LF and bantams are almost impossible to find. Both are down to a few individuals.
Hi! So I am new to chicken ownership! I did know one thing going into this adventure, I wanted a Salmon Faverolle. BAD. ;) So here is Peaches! She's seriously the sweetest little chick ever! I love her! She's 3-4 weeks old here.

P.S She does have a little beak problem. I've tried researching the cause and I haven't definitively found an answer. So your suggestions are more then welcome! ;) Thanks

Hi, I ordered some LF Salmon Fav's from crackle hatchery. Has anyone ever got chicks from them? What is their quality like? I have tried to get in touch with cloverleaf for some hatching eggs as I have a very broody Silkie. But I have received no answer.
Wow that Merlin Cockerel is really, really nice.
I love the splash and blue or black Favs.

Could someone please explain cigarette burns on the hackle... or pics?
Could someone please explain cigarette burns on the hackle... or pics?

This is not my bird, I found it on Feathersite. It's a blue salmon male for those who would like to know what they look like.


Those brownish/blackish marks in the hackles are burn patches.
Oh thank you! I am worried my cockerel has them. He still seems to be developing his final colors though. About when do they seem to finish?

The Favs were out in the yard yesterday enjoying the sun. It was so nice to see. I'm nervous to think of breeding any SF here since I have so little experience with what needs to be watched and culled. There is this one little pullet who keeps peeking at me from a distance in the coop. She is interested but shy and I find it charming.

Henry's idea of the using a small house to house a small number has inspired me to purchase a dog house and make it a chicken house. Does anyone have thoughts on how to prep it for chicken use? I figure: install a roost, put in a nest box or two and a door that latches as well as a ramp (thinking this will be the door if it swings down instead of side to side). Ventilation was my worry. And what about winter grazing or where will the food go? There'd be no light in there so I think I might have to bring in a bowl of water each day, and cut a window. I already have glass for it. Thoughts??
Henry's idea of the using a small house to house a small number has inspired me to purchase a dog house and make it a chicken house. Does anyone have thoughts on how to prep it for chicken use? I figure: install a roost, put in a nest box or two and a door that latches as well as a ramp (thinking this will be the door if it swings down instead of side to side). Ventilation was my worry. And what about winter grazing or where will the food go? There'd be no light in there so I think I might have to bring in a bowl of water each day, and cut a window. I already have glass for it. Thoughts??

I'd skip the combination ramp/door .
Been there, done that, got a poopie door. I re-hung it as a regular side swing. If you need a ramp for the new chicks, put in a temporary one. I was surprised at how high my little ones could hop up at only a couple of weeks old.

How big is this dog house? 2 nest boxes at 12"x12" will take a goodly chunk out of any dog house I've seen other than the shed my step father made into a big dog house. It would have been a decent size back yard coop (I think it was 6x8x6' at the peak) but the 3 dogs wouldn't sleep in it. I think they wanted something a bit less roomy.

How many chickens? And will they be confined to the coop during the day? If not, I'd leave the water out in the run. If yes, I'd stick in a nipple water pipe with a bucket on the outside so it is easy to fill and clean. I imagine you could do the same with a PVC pipe feeder with only the "dish" on the inside. Again, easy to check and fill, little space taken up in the "dog-coop"

About the ventilation. Maybe a picture so we don't start making brilliant suggestions that won't work with the design

Oh thank you! I am worried my cockerel has them. He still seems to be developing his final colors though. About when do they seem to finish?

The Favs were out in the yard yesterday enjoying the sun. It was so nice to see. I'm nervous to think of breeding any SF here since I have so little experience with what needs to be watched and culled. There is this one little pullet who keeps peeking at me from a distance in the coop. She is interested but shy and I find it charming.

Henry's idea of the using a small house to house a small number has inspired me to purchase a dog house and make it a chicken house. Does anyone have thoughts on how to prep it for chicken use? I figure: install a roost, put in a nest box or two and a door that latches as well as a ramp (thinking this will be the door if it swings down instead of side to side). Ventilation was my worry. And what about winter grazing or where will the food go? There'd be no light in there so I think I might have to bring in a bowl of water each day, and cut a window. I already have glass for it. Thoughts??
No need to worry about the burn patches. They are permitted.

The sun and warm weather over the weekend was nice! The snow that was dumped on us Friday is disappearing fast. The birds appreciated the change in weather.

I have 2 larger wooden dog houses (built by a friend) and kennel runs I use for growing out youngsters. The food and water stays outside. I generally don't use it in winter though.

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