Faverolles Thread

what happened?
It seems to me one of the adult hens has jumped off the perch and landed on her. There's no obvious open wounds but she looks almost splay legged. She can't support her own body weight, though still seems quite lively at the moment.
Sharing pictures of my Sweet Pea, a bantam Faverolle..so sweet, stretches her neck out to get a good look at me every time I am out there.

Hi Sweet Pea..can ya see me now? so sweet ~

She has a dark necklace..I've had the LF Faverolle before, all of them light. I like it. :)

She's squatting now..should get an egg anytime from this young girl.
Awww. Sweet Pea. The pullet I lost recently did this neck stretching too and I just loved her. Aww. Thanks for sharing.

I am considering trying to hatch Favorelles but I don't know what I am doing. I only have a few here to pick from. I want to get some advice early.
I have the two from U of A but they won't be ready till maybe late March. I have here a few from Keesmom of each sex (and I love how wide the cockerel is!) what should I do to give myself the best chances of hatching out healthy and worthy chicks?
I think this question has been asked before but I want to ask again- do Favs go broody easily?
Oh ash, glad you asked about them going broody..I would also like to know if they go broody often. I gave up my lovely Silkies just because of that. Man, when they say the Silkies are broody, they aren't kidding. I don't have a large flock, so I need my chickens to lay. This little gal though, stole my heart with how friendly she is..I couldn't give her up, and even if she does go broody, I guess I will try and keep her from staying that way. I love her.
Wow, that's pretty good considering the odds, no wonder, she is pretty.
thank you and it was suprising because the judge used to do bantam Faverolles and he is very tough on the breed. There was an awesome White Cochin that got Champ FL and also won Reserve Champ bantam and Reserve Champion of the show so i was happy to loose to that bird lol.
Hi All,
I am new to this thread. I have LF Salmon Faverolles. I have has them for a year now and really love them! I cannot seem to sex them until they are 3 weeks old. Most say they can sex them at three days old. The little fuzzy butt is now 3 days old, any guesses as to its gender? Thanks for reading :)

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