Faverolles Thread

My Faverolle portrait of my boys i'm so happy and cant wait to hang in my faverolle room in my house
I have a cockerel with a limp now and a pullet who appears to have recovered from her respiratory issue. I have looked over the cockerel but can not see anything at all of concern. He limps despite this. Favoring it a little. I have an Orloff who occasionally limps and I believe this is an impact issue-- like us jumping from a height and spraining ourselves. Rest is usually all that she needs. I might shut him in to keep him from the up and down of roosts to see if it works. Any other ideas.

Thank you so much for the information.
My cousin does portraits and I asked him if he ever did one of chickens and he said he would try and this is his work I think he did a pretty good job looks almost identical to the photos I sent him
And I pulled all the broken feathers off of my faverolles to get them ready for the CT and Little Rhody shows and boy I pretty much made Dork and one of my other salmon roos into rumpless Faverolles! Lol
I have wondered about doing this. How long does it take for the feathers to grow back in? How much does it hurt the bird to pull them out?

Wow! Badmouthing me when I followed through with our agreement only to not get what you promised....

I was just starting to catch up on several weeks back and was shocked to see the above post.

For anyone that is interested in the color/type of mahogany favs....The birds that I sent to Sandiklaws were from my Sandhill order that I waited for 2 years to get because they were sold out for so long. I was totally upfront with where they came from and the flaws that they had. They were very sweet and super hardy. They survived a 5 day shipping nightmare to pop out of the box in great shape from what I heard. I let them go and went through the ordeal of shipping them so they could get into the hands of someone wanting to work with them when I had decided I didn't want to use them at that time. I guess I should have kept them as pets...They had the super sweet personalities that Favs are known for.

Here are pics that are from when I had them.


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