Faverolles Thread

Wow! Badmouthing me when I followed through with our agreement only to not get what you promised....

I was just starting to catch up on several weeks back and was shocked to see the above post.

For anyone that is interested in the color/type of mahogany favs....The birds that I sent to Sandiklaws were from my Sandhill order that I waited for 2 years to get because they were sold out for so long. I was totally upfront with where they came from and the flaws that they had. They were very sweet and super hardy. They survived a 5 day shipping nightmare to pop out of the box in great shape from what I heard. I let them go and went through the ordeal of shipping them so they could get into the hands of someone wanting to work with them when I had decided I didn't want to use them at that time. I guess I should have kept them as pets...They had the super sweet personalities that Favs are known for.

Really do not appreciate you posting something like this publicly without giving me the courtesy of sending me a single pm. I would hardly call that statement badmouthing as I have no way to prove your statement about where they came from and it was the truth- I also did not ever post the name of who I got them from.

I no longer have them, they were given to someone as pets because their size, feet and color were wrong- especially the lacing on the roos, and I thought no one within driving distance was working on them (no way they would ever be shipped again after what they went through to get to me). Sad thing is I recently found out Dick is working with some, had I known they would have been given to him.

As for our "deal", originally you had said you just wanted them to have a good home and I could have them for shipping, then you changed your mind, so I OFFERED you sebbie eggs from my yearling unproven pair.

I actually have 5 sebbie eggs developing. Since I sent you eggs, twice, that I bought because my birds were not laying, and they did not work out, I was considering sending you a gosling pair to replace the eggs (which you already received) that did not hatch for you. I have not sent eggs because I have been checking my fertility on my birds. So tell me Cat, you want to risk shipped goslings and pay for the shipping? Or eggs again?


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I had asked for a trade for the mahoganies because they were of value to the right person, with the understanding that they had many flaws. I was totally up front about where they came from and the quality of them. I hesitated to put a price on them because of the flaws so it was better to ask for a trade. Since you did send eggs, you fulfilled your end of the bargain, but I ended up with shipped eggs from someone I didn't know, that didn't survive shipping and the replacements didn't either. I would have preferred eggs from you and your birds. You don't owe me anything. If you want to make good on the raw deal I ended up getting last year that would be awesome. I would love to take you up on that.
I had asked for a trade for the mahoganies because they were of value to the right person, with the understanding that they had many flaws. I was totally up front about where they came from and the quality of them. I hesitated to put a price on them because of the flaws so it was better to ask for a trade. Since you did send eggs, you fulfilled your end of the bargain, but I ended up with shipped eggs from someone I didn't know, that didn't survive shipping and the replacements didn't either. I would have preferred eggs from you and your birds. You don't owe me anything. If you want to make good on the raw deal I ended up getting last year that would be awesome. I would love to take you up on that.
I am sorry that this big misunderstanding has become public and would like to ask that you take this offgrid. I think in regards to the Mahoganies from Sandhill, There are no wrong right now........ they are able to be of many shades at this point and until we as a group offer a determination of what we would like the fine points to be, all these color variables are possible as well as considering them to be separate color varieties...., fixing the obvious like toes etc. I had also asked about purchasing these birds but it didn't happen. My Roo is of the redder variety, fair toes. I have 2 hens from separate orders, one of which looks like your pictures and then 2 pullet offspring. I also have a handfull of youngsters that are all over the color spectrum. I am glad that Dick is working on them as well as Chicken on the HIll and hope many others.....eliz
I am sorry that this big misunderstanding has become public and would like to ask that you take this offgrid. I think in regards to the Mahoganies from Sandhill, There are no wrong right now........ they are able to be of many shades at this point and until we as a group offer a determination of what we would like the fine points to be, all these color variables are possible as well as considering them to be separate color varieties...., fixing the obvious like toes etc. I had also asked about purchasing these birds but it didn't happen. My Roo is of the redder variety, fair toes. I have 2 hens from separate orders, one of which looks like your pictures and then 2 pullet offspring. I also have a handfull of youngsters that are all over the color spectrum. I am glad that Dick is working on them as well as Chicken on the HIll and hope many others.....eliz

sorry for airing the dirty laundry eliz, I will move this to off of the thread
I have never shown poultry.....while looking for information to prep and show birds i came across a site i would like to share from the *BYC show conditioning thread*. It is written by Laura Haggerty, of Pathfinders farm. Her family raise Buckeyes, but her farm website includes many articles of prepping, show conditioning, and thoughts on breeding, laying, caring of poultry.

http://www.pathfindersfarm.com ( am not knowledgable why this link does not open here, but the articles can be found in BYC show conditioning thread.)
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I have never shown poultry.....while looking for information to prep and show birds i came across a site i would like to share from the *BYC show conditioning thread*. It is written by Laura Haggerty, of Pathfinders farm. Her family raise Buckeyes, but her farm website includes many articles of prepping, show conditioning, and thoughts on breeding, laying, caring of poultry.

http://www.pathfindersfarm.com ( am not knowledgable why this link does not open here, but the articles can be found in BYC show conditioning thread.)

Thanks! Didn't even know that thread existed! My biggest problem is keeping the girls' breasts clean between baths and the show. Tried putting baby t-shirts on them, but they wiggles right out. Any hints would be helpful.

(Funny - I actually know Laura Haggerty from easy - not through chickens!)
The girls didn't break their broody problem (and Henry didn't send a PM saying he had eggs to hatch
) so I stuck them in a broody buster that I made yesterday. Not a work of art, nor a thing of beauty but hopefully it will work. The wire floor is 3+ inches above the shavings. Hopefully that is enough to keep cool air under them.

Bruce just brought the male to my house for a visit. So may have eggs sooner then I expected! Sorry haven't been keeping up on the thread lately. Been a busy couple of weeks. Yes my male with the smaller comb is in with the girls now. He seems to be doing well haven't seen him breed anyone yet so it may take him a couple days to settle in I guess. He is a handsome fellow though Thanks Cindy! I will try and see if I can get pictures of the whole crew together in the next day or two.

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