Faverolles Thread

I love any kind of Faverolles, LF or banties!
Me too, I had the option and I picked LF. $25 for one trio!
Alright...I'll get a better pic. This is the first Fav I'm raising from a chick... all the rest I have came to me when they were pullets.


These guys might be a little older than yours, but you can see the male is waaaayyy darker than your picture.

I have three extras if you want one ;)

Edit: actually, yours looks like it may be older. Mine are 1.5 months
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Agghh... people get me worked up over getting a roo and I get a hen...

Oh well. Beautiful birds, Sahwithchicks. I might take you up on your offer...
hi - i have a broody sitting on some fav eggs- they are due to go in lockdown sunday, when i checked, one has a small crack, he is moving in there, but not ready yet to hatch, i moved it to the bator- is there anything i need to do special?

darned if he didn't chirp at me!! but when you candle it, it doesn't fit the diagrams...LOL!

hatch update:

hi guys- bantam favorolles are working their way out of their shells- one has hatched for ebony my microserama, she seems verry pleased if a little confused with that scrawny thing

one has hatched under licorice, 5 to go

this shot is of baby number 1- get a load of those feet

these are all project eggs from Cloverleaf, should be interesting to see how they come out
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