Faverolles Thread

Okay here is another one of handsome
Some of your little guys/gals have me a bit stumped so will be curious what our experts say.

When we picked ours out at 10 weeks there were cream ones and grey ones and there was really no doubt which was which (even my ten year old could pick it). The blacks had no brown and the creamy browns had no black to confuse things.

I notice that often on here there is nowhere near that distinct a difference between them. Would that be because ours were a little older at ten weeks or has it to do with the quality of the bird?
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Hi Appps, Thanks for the response. I'm guessing maybe both? These are from Meyer Hatchery's stock. I sort of expected them to be more obvious color-wise. There's a fair amount of black on almost all of the birds. I ordered 5 pullets separately, and a couple of Assortments. I received more in the Assortments I ordered which might include roosters. They are all very shy and do not like being handled. They are just starting to grow muffs now, which is odd for me given that EEs I have often have muffs at hatching or soon after. We'll see how they turn out. I love the look the adult SFs, I hope these are close to form.
Hi Appps, Thanks for the response. I'm guessing maybe both? These are from Meyer Hatchery's stock. I sort of expected them to be more obvious color-wise. There's a fair amount of black on almost all of the birds. I ordered 5 pullets separately, and a couple of Assortments. I received more in the Assortments I ordered which might include roosters. They are all very shy and do not like being handled. They are just starting to grow muffs now, which is odd for me given that EEs I have often have muffs at hatching or soon after. We'll see how they turn out. I love the look the adult SFs, I hope these are close to form.

From what I'm seeing, they are all pullets, but none of them are going to be what you are expecting...Sorry...
In the next to last pic, the one at the bottom of the photo that we can only see the back of might be a boy, but I suspect it's the same bird as pic #3, in which case, it's just an extremely dark pullet.
Thanks Cloverleaf Farm, I appreciate your help. Well, shoot. One of them has pretty markings, guess we'll just have to see what they look like when they grow up. I may end up selling them, and starting over. I do wish I'd handled these chicks more when they were younger, as I hear they can be tame. Mine aren't, my bad.
Well, that's good to know. I love the classic look of Faverolles and was excited to try them out. They jury is still out on the breed, but at least I know that I have pullets, and the coloring could turn out to be pretty, if not breed standard. :)

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