Faverolles Thread

N8ivetxn-My white girl is slightly slower developing than the other girls, is it possible your hen has white recessive with salmon leakage?
My daughter's roos. They are the sweetest guys.


I don't know why, but that picture cracks me up.... :)
N8ivetxn-My white girl is slightly slower developing than the other girls, is it possible your hen has white recessive with salmon leakage?

What do you mean by slower developing? As in feathering in more slowly? Cockerels feather in slower than pullets.
What do you mean by slower developing? As in feathering in more slowly? Cockerels feather in slower than pullets.

No her feathers came in the same pace as the other hens and Fuller than the roos, but she is just a lil smaller than all the other faverolles...
Awww, Mr MMK FARMS, your picture made me chuckle! What an adorable face

Hi again everyone, I posted last week wondering if my young favs were actually bantams. Looking at pictures I do believe they're LF, they have pretty long legs which the bantams don't seem to have. BUT, I'm still concerned over how small they are? They're 18 weeks tomorrow but still seem so small. Is there any reason they may be growing so slow? Have I done something wrong? I really don't think they should still be this small
What do you mean by slower developing? As in feathering in more slowly? Cockerels feather in slower than pullets.

No, actually she's physically way smaller than the other 4 that hatched with her. For a few weeks her feathers were very funky, for lack of a better word - the outermost layer of feathers on her wings actually stood out from her body - it reminded me of a little girl wearing fake angel wings for a Christmas play! She recently grew out of it and her wings look more normal, but she is still very small compared to her hatchmates.

- I posted a couple of pics of her above, in 2 of them she's standing with her hatchmates and you actually see how much smaller she is.....

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