Faverolles Thread

I have a Faverolles from Ideal.  I have a sweet little girl with a now, white/blind eye.  I wondered the same about her, thinking that perhaps another chick had pecked her.  After your post I wonder if it's a genetic problem at Ideal.  I also got 2 roosters, one of which is seperated from the ladies because of a "scissor beak".  I just love favorelles and have found that neither of these problems, has caused problems.  My "one eye blind" girl, gets along just fine with everyone, but if you got yours from Ideal, I'll put her in with the scissor beak rooster and not hatch any of their eggs......I haven't heard of a bulging blind eye genetic disorder, but I guess there could be one.  
Yes my order was from Ideal as well. I have no intentions of breeding any birds ever so that is a non issue for me. But I am sad that she has this problem. I was very excited for her. If she makes it I am ok with having a gimpy bird though. :) Obviously I'd prefer a healthy one but blind in one eye is not so bad. She is eating and drinking and seems content do I will just wait it out and hope she makes it. She sure is a cutie.
My sweet lady wasn't sick a day, and she grew up to be a healthy hen. She's expecially friendly to me, and I think it was because I handled her more than the others. (I gave her eye drops not really knowing what was wrong) I'll bet your little on will do well too.....They're probably sisters :D
Sorry to hear about your bad luck with the chicks. I hope she makes it! I have a "special" chicken that had a leg injury and had to relearn how to walk. She is still gimpy,but has learned to cope just fine. She even learned how to fly up and roost with the other chickens. She's actually nice to have around and is probably our most social hen.
I have a Faverolles from Ideal. I have a sweet little girl with a now, white/blind eye. I wondered the same about her, thinking that perhaps another chick had pecked her. After your post I wonder if it's a genetic problem at Ideal. I also got 2 roosters, one of which is seperated from the ladies because of a "scissor beak". I just love favorelles and have found that neither of these problems, has caused problems. My "one eye blind" girl, gets along just fine with everyone, but if you got yours from Ideal, I'll put her in with the scissor beak rooster and not hatch any of their eggs......I haven't heard of a bulging blind eye genetic disorder, but I guess there could be one.
Just like weird coloration, i would mention any abnormalities to the hatcheries that they came from…apologize, most scissor beaks get to a point where they cannot eat and starve to death so if not too bad keep an eye out that he is getting enough food.
I've had the bulging eyeball thing too and actually, yours is not so bad. I had one with a much bigger eyeball actually survive. I had to hobble him at first and then I had to get something called puralube from the vet because the eyeball kept drying out. But he did fine until a hawk got him. I called him Carpus because he looked like one of those big-eyed goldfish.

I've had that crop up in at least three of the five hatching I've had from very good breeders. I think its a genetic thing. Maybe because there are so few faverolles bloodlines in this country.
Hi everyone, I am new to Favorelles and just hatched out 8 SF from a good breeder from shipped eggs. They are now 2 weeks old and I have read you can tell males from females but I am having the hardest time! I guess I just don't have the eye for it yet. Four of the chicks had black stripes at hatch like I've seen others mention. Can I post pics of all 8 or is that a bit too much?
Ok, I've just gone and taken pics of all 8.
The first 4 pictured are the ones that hatched with stripes/spots and I "think" they are females:

The next two I also think are female?

These two I think might be males? I think they are getting some tiny little dark feathers on their feet too:

Any thoughts? Thank you!
I'm not able to tell any difference in their combs right now. There may be some differences but I can't seem them. The non striped set all hatched a day early and have been big, rambunctious chicks from the get go. The stripers all hatched on their actual hatch day and have been smaller and not as vigorous but healthy and thriving. They had some difficulties hatching because they weren't positioned correctly in their shells and pipped the wrong end. I am not noticing much difference in tail set at this point. I know it is early to tell but I am trying to learn about the differences and train myself to see it a little better. Thanks!
Just like weird coloration, i would mention any abnormalities to the hatcheries that they came from…apologize, most scissor beaks get to a point where they cannot eat and starve to death so if not too bad keep an eye out that he is getting enough food.
I feed fermented food, so it's very easy for him to "shovel" it in so far. I do believe it's becoming worse however. He's a sweetie, so I'll be giving him every chance possible.

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