Faverolles Thread

Your welcome. :) Hope you can get some Salmon Favorelle chicks. They are my favorite chicken breed! There's three reviews done on Salmon Favorelles if you'd like to check them out. :)

I've read the reviews on the Breed forum. Are there others?

I'm not sure, maybe on here you can see or go through the pages and see what people think of theirs?
Hi I'm new here and new to chicken keeping actually I don't have any yet).

I am intending to get some for our urban backyard. Looking at breed temperaments, I thought a couple of Faverolles might be good as I have young children (aged 4 and 1), and we're not looking to be drowned in eggs. However I've also heard reports they are very loud, which I think would drive us all a bit mad, and possibly the neighbours as well. Also, is two birds enough for them to be happy?

Any thoughts on this?

Chickens are loud at times no matter the breed. My faverolles tend to cluck a lot. But for the most part ten to be quiet. They are a curious breed and need a good run to keep them occupied. It also depends on how many eggs you eat. My family eats eggs like crazy, so I have 4 hens the keep up production for my family of 4. Normally it's one hen per family member if you want a good supply of eggs. Faverolle are a docile breed, lay in winter months still, lay salmon colored to light brown eggs medrum sized. I think they are a good starter breed, but they have feathered legs so making sure the run is t muddy and they have plenty of areas to dust bathe to keep mites and other pests away is important. Another great starter breed is a buff orpington. They are docile and sweet and easy to raise good temperament
And my faverolles are great with My kids. They follow us around the yard but don't like to be heled much which is fine. Not too many chicons like to cuddle lol
This year I am going to add 2 buff orpingtons and two easter eggers. I think easter Eggers are fun with the green eggs and different colored eggs. So that would be 4 faverolles, 2 buff orpingtons, and two easter Eggers cHickenlooper math! Always make a bigger coop and run than expected. It's always nice to know you have room for more if you need it, not have to try to upgrade
And my faverolles are great with My kids. They follow us around the yard but don't like to be heled much which is fine. Not too many chicons like to cuddle lol
This year I am going to add 2 buff orpingtons and two easter eggers. I think easter Eggers are fun with the green eggs and different colored eggs. So that would be 4 faverolles, 2 buff orpingtons, and two easter Eggers cHickenlooper math! Always make a bigger coop and run than expected. It's always nice to know you have room for more if you need it, not have to try to upgrade

Keep a close eye on the EE with the faverolles. Mine have been picked on so far by everything but silkies. Hatched some LF cochins with this batch of Favs and hoping they can get along as adults. I cannot have roosters to assist with flock dynamics so that means we really have to keep an eye on things. Currently my non-bearded blue silkie hen is the dominant hen
Keep a close eye on the EE with the faverolles. Mine have been picked on so far by everything but silkies. Hatched some LF cochins with this batch of Favs and hoping they can get along as adults. I cannot have roosters to assist with flock dynamics so that means we really have to keep an eye on things. Currently my non-bearded blue silkie hen is the dominant hen :/

Do you think since the EE will be chicks going in it will be ok? My faverolle hens so far have been docile to people but I introduced my rooster (had to get rid of him but kept him as long as I could) and my hen that passed from heart failure :( and my faverolles ruled that roost they put the rooster in check and the rooster was scared of them lol or should I just get all buff orpingtons?
It's going to depend on each individual bird's personality. There are bad eggs in every breed. I've even had to name a few Faverolles "Atilla the Hen" from time to time.
LOL - I've had a few (had being the key word ;) ) of those types of hens. I really think not having a rooster puts our little flock at a disadvantage and unfortunately for the Favs, as a docile breed in general, they get the worst of it. I like EEs and true Ameracaunas but they fly pretty darn well and were very dominant. We have strict ordinances (and well enforced) - we are only allowed 6 chicken hens ( I guess they added the word chicken to make sure that hens couldn't be interpreted to mean turkey, guinea, pea, etc). It makes me very picky of breed and individual personality and they must remained fenced at all times (per ordinance). After much trial and error, Faverolles as a breed, work for us. I am hoping to keep a blue or splash LF Cochin or two just to have a different color to look at :)
The law ordinances only say six small animals as well but I'm going to push the limit and get a total I had a rooster and I was not allowed to so I had to give him away. For my chickens that I have their temperament is pretty feisty lol
I wanted to get enough eggs so I can donate them to the food pantry but for hens have made only enough eggs for my family to eat so if I ask for more I think I'll be able to donate every week to the food pantry
My EE, BR and Buckeyes were probably my best (as in most per week) non-hybrid layers. Have you given any thought to Buckeyes? We really enjoyed ours but man those girls could fly - even with clipped wings they would be able to easily get 6-8ft up onto the privacy fence or top of the coop. They were quiet, docile and good layers though. And pretty - beautiful sheen to their hackle feathers. Edit: Forgot I was on the Faverolle thread - sorry folks!
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