Faverolles Thread

I have a question -- at what age should the beards start showing on Faverolle chicks? Because none of my five are showing beards yet --- one of the younger ones (what are they -- three weeks old now?) has a little bit, but none of the other four show any sign of a beard at all. They sure are cute, though!

I'll try to get pictures posted tomorrow. I've been sick and/or busy and haven't done it yet.

Favs should have beards at hatch. Here is a mixed hatch of Favs and Amerauacanas... both are born with beards.


and some a tiny bit older... In a mixed brooder. See the beard and fuzzy cheeks already?


And that gives us this as adults

Me, too! I love those puffy cheeks! I will get pictures up tomorrow if I can get my camera working!

Which brings me to another question -- those really nice poultry portraits -- do they have the birds in some kind of box and take pictures through a hole, or what? I can't see these guys posing long enough to get good pictures of them if I just stand them on a table or something. And I'd like to get pictures of some of my other chickens, too, and I KNOW they wouldn't stand still!

Do you have any idea of what the approximate dimensions should be? I'd like to build something -- I appreciate the 'candid' shots that people post, but often it's hard to get a really good idea about the birds that way.

Not sure I have any shoe boxes laying around, but I do have some scraps of plywood that I could build something with. I just got a package of little LED lights yesterday -- they are shaped like hockey pucks and about the same size, and stick onto the underside of a shelf, or screw onto the wall (I wanted one for above my bed). I wonder if the LED light would throw the colors off too badly if I used one of those in the picture box?

Hello everyone! I have my website up and running finally. Please take a look and tell me what you think www.littlecreekfarms.net

Also, I have Large fowl and Bantam Salmon/Blue Faverolle eggs available if anyone is interested. My birds are the Catalpa Grove Line.


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