Faverolles Thread

Chickie'sMoma :

My pair from Leisha is arriving tommorow! We will hopefully have brahmas that are brothers and sisters. Hope a girl or two go broody so I don't have to raise all my babies inside for the first few weeks.

do you have any fake eggs or golf balls? set them out and see if anyone grabs them for a couple of days!

i can't leave the ones i have or one of my bantam cochins growls at me!
she's not serious about it yet but she keeps trying a couple days a week and then gives up when i steal 'her' eggs.​

I have wooden eggs out there but I might add 1 or 2 gold balls to one nest haven't had anyone showing signs yet but I can hope can't I.
Look what I came home to tonight!!! 3 babies from Melissa's eggs!! There's a 4th one that's fully zipped, it just has to push off the lid - nothing from the other 6 yet, but I'm gonna be good and patient!!!

I have a question about feather colors. Once the chick molts into his adult feathers... will they change colors? Or is Ideal trying to feed me a line of crap?
I haven't had many favs yet, but I did notice the boys I had got better with age. Better coloring, less smuttiness. I didn't notice much of a change with the girls.
With hatchery chicks, you never know. In most cases, if the colors are much darker and more brilliant along with the contour of the feather tips (pointed or rounded), it does not change at all to let you know if the chick will be cockeral or pullet.

I never known a chicken with extreme color changes, fading yes and darkening, yes but not drastic.

Hatchery Faverolles are not the best examples of the breed you see on line.
Thanks for the info...

I can't see how a pullet with black chest feathers will change it's color enough to conform to the standard coloring. She's the salmon buff color on her wings and back like the rest of the pullets, and the roos are all pretty much black all over. I suspected a little smoke puffing on Ideals part but wanted to be sure before I sent them a reply email. (I posted a picture of the birds in a previous post on this thread)

I'll probably be contacting some of you guys for future chicks!

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That would be a big no no to having black or smoke grey feathers on their chests for pullets. It makes me wonder where was the throwbacks consisted of?
That would be a big no no to having black or smoke grey feathers on their chests for pullets. It makes me wonder where was the throwbacks consisted of?

Yes it makes me wonder ..... ALOT! I won't be buying from Ideal anymore.
I got the pair from Leisha I love the new boy. Wow three is much louder then two! I don't know about the hen yet she seems good though. I will post pictures later today or tommorow.

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