Faverolles Thread

Well, I'm no expert... but I betcha some of those are girls. I couple of my girls were late with feathering.
Pretty birds... mine are 5 weeks now and they are looking real scrappy


I'm hoping Amy!
I'm thinking the lighter ones who aren't pure white maybe light salmon pullets? Because if they aren't white males could they be that light? Ugh...I'm thinking about it too much!

I have a white roo from Melissa. He is absolutely the sweetest thing... we call him Mr. Hen. I got 4 day old fav's from her last spring... thought for the longest I had 3 boys and 1 girl... turned out I had one beautiful white roo and 3 lovely salmon/salmon blue hens! Sexing chicks looks and sounds easy... but, I'm pretty terrible at it until they are older... at 4-5 weeks... I'm pretty certain about what I have until then I second guess myself like crazy!
There are no faverolles other than mine entered in the show so I will be winning something but I wish there were birds to compete against! Can't wait to see which of my hens places where. I will take lots of pictures of the show tommorow. Had tons of fun setting up but now I'm pooped. There will be 375 bantams alone! That's a lot of cages to set up!

Hope you're having a good time, Henry. How many cages did you set up? Well, you'll certainly get attention & promote the breed with being the only Faverolles there. Maybe it'll inspire others to enter next time. People just don't seem to know about the breed, they don't know what they're missing either. What a great opportunity to see all of the other breeds, sounds like a big show. We look forward to pictures.
I can't count the cages we set up! enough for 375 bantams + all the LF, ducks, geese, turkeyes, and auction birds. So tons of cages luckly the bantams were four and two hole cages and the LF cages were 2 holes. There are going to be a ton of nice birds there!
got my bantam fav pair today from Chickn. the girl looks clean and healthy and even laid an egg for me when i got her home and into the large doge pen i bought to quarantine them from my flock. the boy looks clean with the exception of his feet, it looks like he may have some scaly leg mites i'll have to wash and treat while he's in quarantine. he's a wonderful boy though-very sweet and alert! i'll see about getting some pics tomorrow of them and some updates of the 2 chicks when i get home from the swap.
Chickie'sMoma: I continue to be impressed at how sweet the Bantam Faverolles roos are with me. Have fun with your new pair!

As for Henry, sounds like he had been working real hard with others to help set up pens for the show that he has taken his group to. I hope he was able to wake up in time, after the exhausting day prior, to enjoy the show. Best wishes for a good time!

Oh ya, just remembered you're way younger than me; so lots of energy there!
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