Faverolles Thread

Some day Henry you won't have to downsize. Until that time remember to enjoy those college years!
Some day Henry you won't have to downsize. Until that time remember to enjoy those college years!

Oh I will just gotta make sure I don't enjoy them to much
I am locked up in the house for the month of June because I was enjoying senior year a bit to much
Ha surely a respectable chicken owner like you wouldnt have gotten grounded??!! Put on restriction? You talk so knowledgable and all about your birds I forget your age. Heehee. June's almost over. BEHAVE!!!
I will I was on a very long rope ha ha and I just had to be reigned in
It worked out fine and I am looking forward to being free again but not to free. I am one of those kids who I think can at least partially see from my parents point of view so I totally understand why I am grounded I was being a #$%^ head anyway
now back to favs so far the hovabator has stayed steady. I have a brinsea Eco 20 which is my favorite but I can't do staggered hatches in it so I bought and LG which I hate and then I bought a hovabator with auto turner which is alright but need a room with stable temperatures which is hard to get in this house. What does everyone else use to hatch. I think I know Dick and Leisha have sportsmans what do you guys do for staggered hatching do you hatch in a small incubator or just pump the humidity in the big one ?
Yep, I love those face shots!! Here's Duncan...

That's one nice looking boy! I'm not that fond of blue salmon usually but I thought that roo was just beautiful.

Thanks, yep, he is awesome! Besides being such a looker, he is super SWEET!!! Even when he's out in the yard, he comes when I call him, and turns sideways so I can pick him up...he must like the cuddling and smoochy words he gets when I pick him up! lol I think he knows he's my favorite...hope he doesn't tell the others!
I will I was on a very long rope ha ha and I just had to be reigned in
It worked out fine and I am looking forward to being free again but not to free. I am one of those kids who I think can at least partially see from my parents point of view so I totally understand why I am grounded I was being a #$%^ head anyway
now back to favs so far the hovabator has stayed steady. I have a brinsea Eco 20 which is my favorite but I can't do staggered hatches in it so I bought and LG which I hate and then I bought a hovabator with auto turner which is alright but need a room with stable temperatures which is hard to get in this house. What does everyone else use to hatch. I think I know Dick and Leisha have sportsmans what do you guys do for staggered hatching do you hatch in a small incubator or just pump the humidity in the big one ?

Other than 2 hatches that went through my hovabators only, I ran all season with incubating in the Dickey, and hatching in both of the Hovabators. It worked awesome. I'm surprised that you have so much trouble with the Hova, I live in a drafty OLD farmhouse, and the room I hatch in has 2 huge SINGLE paned windows, and I don't see much fluctuation...a little, but not like I did in the old pooey LG...
I'm in hovabotor forced air with turner to incubate and hovabator still air to hatch but mom said maybe we need to put fan back on it. I still haven't figured out the diff in the two unless just personal pref?
Ha ha its all my fault
well hopefully Cindy and I can help somehow

I wish I lived closer to you Dick. Maybe another road trip sometime to your house.

That would be fine. Anytime. Let me know.

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